Suriname - Country Commercial Guide
Trade Agreements
Last published date:

Suriname became a contracting party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1978 and is an original member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). 

Suriname joined CARICOM in 1995 and became a full member of the group’s common market in 1996. As a member of CARICOM, Suriname is committed to a regionally coordinated external trade policy for the group. Suriname is also party to several trade agreements with other countries in the region including the Dominican Republic (2000), covering goods only; Cuba (2000), covering goods only; and Costa Rica (2004). Suriname signed but did not ratify the agreement with Costa Rica. 

A comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and 15 Caribbean states in the CARIFORUM group, including Suriname, was signed in 2008. The EU-CARIFORUM EPA replaced the ACP-EU Cotonou Agreement and provides for duty and quota-free access to the EU market for exports from the CARIFORUM countries. Suriname has not yet ratified the EPA.