Suriname - Country Commercial Guide
Import Requirements and Documentation
Last published date:

List all documentation and other requirements for both the U.S. exporter and the foreign importer, or where to find them. 

For goods that do not require a license for importation, the importer must complete the International Trade Form for Goods and Services (IT form) and the Single Administrative Document. (Note: The Single Administrative Document is a standard application form which is also referred to as the Enig Document.) The IT form and Single Administrative Document are sold at bookstores and at:  

Prodimex International 

Telephone: (597) 402-727 

Fax: (597) 404-977 


Once goods have arrived in Suriname, the IT form, the Single Administrative Document, original invoice from the supplier, bill of lading, import license (H-99 form) (if required), and health certificate (if required) should be presented to the Customs Office. 

Customs Office 

Telephone: (597) 402-626 

Fax: (597) 403-164 


Goods that enter Suriname under CARICOM’s free trade regime must be accompanied by a certificate of origin and a CARICOM invoice. 

Companies that want to import goods that require a license should apply for the license with an H-99 Form at the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Licensing certificates are provided by the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries, depending on area of responsibility. 

Import, Export, and Currency Control Department 

Ministry of Economic Affairs 

Telephone: (597) 402-957 

Some imported goods may require a health certificate. These include but are not limited to: 

· Medicines for people (Ministry of Health) 

· Medicines for animals and plants (Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and  


· Micro-organisms (e.g., bacteria, yeast, mold) (Ministry of Health) 

· All products containing chlorofluorocarbons (Ministry of Health)