Dominican republic Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in dominican republic, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Selling Factors and Techniques
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At the retail sales level, Dominicans prefer seeing the product, and also expect reliable after-sales service.  Quality and responsiveness in after-sales service are becoming increasingly important ingredients in effective marketing strategies.  In sales of services and manufactured goods, Dominicans often rely on networking as well as on close family and personal relationships.  These characteristics create the need for local agents and distributors or direct, in-country operations to make and sustain these contacts.

Trade Promotion & Advertising

Most businesses in Dominican Republic use major newspapers, television channels, and radio stations to advertise their products.  When marketing products to all social classes, television and radio are primarily used.

The following are web links to some of the major newspapers and publications in the DR:

  • Diario Libre - Daily newspaper
  • Listin Diario - Daily newspaper
  • Periódico Hoy - Daily newspaper
  • Periódico El Caribe and Cadena de Noticias - daily newspaper and news network
  • El Nacional - Daily newspaper
  • Peridico El Dia – Daily newspaper
  • DR 1 Daily news - excerpts of Dominican news in English

Companies already in the Dominican Republic are well aware of the benefits of participating in local trade promotion events.  There are also many industry-specific expositions in the DR.


The DR market is particularly price-sensitive due to significant levels of income inequality.  Price is typically the critical factor in most purchasing decisions.  Products of U.S. origin enjoy a strong reputation for quality and Dominicans are familiar with U.S. pricing practices; CAFTA-DR can provide pricing advantages for U.S. origin products.  As Dominican consumers become more affluent and sophisticated, many successful new retail outlets will increasingly concentrate on quality goods and service support.

Sales Service/Customer SupportAnchor

The quality and level of customer support and service is evolving and improving at a rapid rate.  In many sectors, low cost local labor allows for a level of service that would be prohibitive in more developed overseas markets.  This is especially true in the urban centers and tourist areas of the east and north coasts. While U.S. exporters should be prepared to provide customer and after-sales support, there may be an opportunity to apply advanced customer support techniques developed in their home markets.  

Dominican workers enjoy a good reputation for customer service which in part explains the country’s success in tourism and, more recently, in operating international call centers.

Local Professional ServicesAnchor

A local attorney is an important partner in establishing operations and advising on doing business in Dominican Republic. It is advisable to engage an attorney experienced in agency law to review any agency/distributorship contract to avoid issues with Law 173. Accounting firms may also be of assistance with financial issues. It is advisable to retain professional advice early on in a business venture to ensure smooth start up and compliance with local laws.  Lists of lawyers and accounting firms with experience assisting U.S. businesses are available at the U.S. Commercial Service in Santo Domingo.

Principal Business Associations

Cámara Americana  de Comercio de la República Dominicana (AMCHAM-DR)

(American Chamber of Commerce of Dominican Republic)

Av. Sarasota No. 20, Torre Empresarial AIRD, 6to. FL

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Contact: Mr. William Malamud, Executive Vice President

Phone: (809) 381-0777

Fax: (809) 381-0303



Camara de Comercio y Produccion de Santo Domingo 

(Santo Domingo Chamber of Commerce)

Ave. 27 de Febrero No. 228, Torre Friusa, La Esperilla

Contact: Mr. Antonio Ramos, Executive Vice President

Phone: (809) 682-2688

Fax: (809) 685-2228

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


Camara de Comercio y Producción de Santiago, Inc.

(Santiago Chamber of Commerce)

Av. Las Carreras No. 7, Edif. Empresarial 1er. Piso, Centro Ciudad

Santiago, Dominican Republic

Contact: Mr. Fernando Puig, Executive Director

Phone: (809) 582-2856

Fax: (809) 241-4546



Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada, Inc. (CONEP)

(National Council of Enterprises)

Av. Sarasota No. 20

Torre Empresarial piso 12, Ens. La Julia

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Contact: Mr. Cesar Dargam, Executive Vice President

Phone: (809) 472-7531

Fax: (809) 472-7850



Junta Agroempresarial Dominicana (JAD)

(Dominican Agribusiness Council)

Euclides Morillo No. 51, Arroyo Hondo

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 

Contact: Ms. Claudia Chez, Executive Director

Phone: (809) 563-6178

Fax: (809) 563-6181



Asociación Nacional de Importadores

(Dominican Importers’ Association)

Av. Roberto Pastoriza No. 16

Edif. Diandi XIII, 4to. Piso

Ensanche Naco

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Contact: Mr. Wilfredo Ubrí, President

Phone: (809) 381-2655

Fax: (809) 381-2652



Asociacion Dominicana de Exportadores (ADOEXPO)

(Dominican Exporters Association)

Av. Winston Churchill No. 5 (entre Av. Sarasota y Av. Bolivar)

Apartamento C, Ens. Bella Vista

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Contact: Elizabeth Mena, President

Phone: (809) 567-6779

Fax: (809) 532-1926



Asociacion de Industrias de la Republica Dominicana (AIRD)

(Association of Manufacturers of Dominican Republic)

Av. Sarasota No. 20 casi esq. Av. Abraham Lincoln 

Edif. Torre Empresarial, piso 12, Ens. La Julia 

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Contact: Mr. Celso Juan Marranzini, President 

Phone: (809) 472-0000

Fax: (809) 472-0303


Limitations on Selling US Products and Services

U.S. standards are currently accepted and respected by the purchasing entities.  Marketing strategies used by successful companies include mass advertisement in television, social media, magazines, newspapers, and radio.
