Dominican republic Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in dominican republic, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
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The Dominican regulatory environment for eCommerce is very supportive; Law 126-02, enacted in 2002, regulates electronic commerce, digital documents, and signatures. 

The general principles of Law 126-02 are oriented toward the facilitation of eCommerce between and within nations; the validation of transactions between parties (which have been performed by means of the new information technologies); and the promotion and support of the implementation of new technologies.  This modern law allows for the admissibility and legal force of digital documents and electronic signatures, providing the same legally-binding effect granted to acts under private signature. 

Under CAFTA-DR, the Dominican Republic has agreed to provisions on electronic commerce that reflect the issue’s importance in global trade and the importance of supplying services by electronic means as a key part of a vibrant electronic commerce environment.

The agreement provides for transparency and cooperation and specifies the following:

The parties have agreed not to apply customs duties, fees or charges on digital products delivered electronically and to apply customs duties on the basis of value of the carrier medium for digital products delivered physically.

Parties may not give less favorable treatment to some digital products than they accord to other similar digital products on the basis of the nationality of the author, performer, producer, developer or distributor of the products.

There is no differential treatment among digitally delivered products.

Current Market Trends

Thanks to globalization, the proliferation of access to digital technologies, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Dominican Republic has adopted eCommerce policies, creating new online purchasing structures and strengthening existing structures.

According to the Association of Multiple Banks of the Dominican Republic (ABA), the purchase of goods and services through digital media grew by 7.7% between 2021 and 2022, going from RD$28.6 million to RD$32.5 million for 87,785 eCommerce transactions in local establishments. Online purchases were primarily in these categories: Electronics (48%), Fashion (25%) and Personal Care (9.30%).

Domestic eCommerce (B2C)

Even under a favorable legal framework, Dominican businesses were somewhat slow to integrate electronic commercial transactions into their operations. 

One positive outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the incredible development and adoption of eCommerce in the DR. Major supermarkets and department stores developed online shopping marketplaces, allowing customers to virtually shop and have their goods delivered directly to their door. Mobile delivery applications saw explosive growth in their operations. Increased sales of a variety of products via Instagram is just one example of uptake in eCommerce via social media.

Within the B2C segment, the banking and telecommunications sectors is where eCommerce has shown the most growth and impact; in addition, the hospitality industry has steadily increased its B2C eCommerce activity.  A majority of hotels have web-based room-booking capability and several fast food restaurants offer online ordering.  Additionally, several businesses offer online ordering of their products and services in the United States that can be ordered and paid for overseas but delivered to the DR—the DR has a significant diaspora (between two and three million Dominicans live in the United States) which has led to an increase in this particular niche market. 

Cross-Border eCommerce

The majority of cross-border eCommerce in the Dominican Republic is with the United States. However, products from China and other Asian countries are also competitive.  Local couriers have indicated that most international eCommerce transactions are with Amazon and eBay.

B2B eCommerce

There is a growing business to business (B2B) eCommerce market in the DR.  The main sectors include banking, telecommunications, government transactions, and consumer goods.

eCommerce Services

The payment of services using eCommerce platforms has shown remarkable growth within the last three years, allowing customers to pay all utilities services, official government transactions, such as taxes, certifications, business permits, online.

eCommerce Intellectual Property Rights

The GODR, through Law 126-02 that formed the National Office of Intellectual Property Rights (ONAPI) and its National Strategic Plan, created a legal framework to protect intellectual property rights in eCommerce.  However, ONAPI has identified weaknesses in prosecuting violations of eCommerce IPR, mainly because of a lack of professionalized local staff.  This represents an opportunity for U.S. businesses to provide products and services to the Dominican government to increase their capabilities and awareness about violations in eCommerce IPR.

Popular eCommerce Sites

There are a number of consumer trading sites such as: COROTOS and EMARKET, which are very popular and widely used by all economic strata. Major news media publish their papers online, including their classified ads, to facilitate the flow of information. 

In 2004, the GODR initiated the formulation of an Electronic Government strategy with the creation of the Presidential Office of Information and Communication Technologies (OGTIC), through which important initiatives have been implemented with the objective of incorporating ICT in modernizing public administration.

Online Payment

The Dominican Republic has three platforms (Cardnet, Visanet and Azul) for the processing of payments by credit card and a platform for payments through mobile broadband (Tpago, MoniPay). 

The majority of commercial banks and most financial service institutions in the Dominican Republic have websites to assist clients with paying utility bills, monitoring account status, and transferring funds.

Many entrepreneurs and companies with Dominican online businesses use widely known payments methods such as PayPal, 2Checkout, Authorize.Net, Stripe, Amazon Payments, and others.  However, PayPal is the most used for its ease of opening and account, integration, and comfortable rates.

Mobile eCommerce

In the Dominican Republic, mobile devices are the most-used platform for business purposes among SMEs with a 45%  penetration, followed by the use of computers with 10% , Internet and e-mail with 11%  and 7%  respectively, and web pages with only 4% .

Digital Marketing

The Dominican Republic has shown strong progress in the digital marketing industry with the presence of a wide range of local companies that provide digital services for the local industry and in partnership with international firms.  In the last few years, the DR has hosted  some of the the most important events on digital marketing in the region.  Businesses and brands continue to grapple with determining the design of digital marketing plans capable of drawing public attention and generating income through the different digital channels.

Major Buying Holidays

Major buying holidays are similar to the United States: Valentine’s Day; Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Back To School, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas.

Social Media

The DR has a regulation that governs the use of social networks by public institutions; the NORTIC E1: 2014 Standard for the Management of Social Networks in Governmental Organizations published by the Presidential Office of Information and Communication Technologies (OGTIC) together with the Directorate General of Communication (DICOM).  The Norm A2 requires institutions to include links to their social network accounts in visible places.  Any institution certified by this standard complies with this requirement.

Decree No. 490-12 created the General Directorate of Communication (DICOM) and empowered the agency to design, coordinate, and direct the social media policy that must be observed by the GODR.

The Dominican Republic has approximately 5.9  million active users on Facebook. Instagram and TikTok are significantly growing with younger populations, and X (formerly Twitter)  continues to play  an important role in political and social life.