Dominican Republic - Country Commercial Guide
Digital Economy
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The Dominican Republic has witnessed a significant surge in digital adoption in recent years. These advancements have been fueled by increased internet penetration, technological infrastructure improvements, and government initiatives to promote digitalization. 

Some of the strategies that the current administration has outlined to continue the growth of the digital economy in the Dominican Republic include implementing the “Digital Agenda 2030” which is a comprehensive plan to transform the country into a digital leader. This ambitious initiative aims to ‘’build a competitive digital economy ‘’ where technology is accessible to all, fosters economic growth, and improves the quality of life for citizens. Key strategies outlined in the Digital Agenda include: 

Infrastructure Development 

The GoDR is investing heavily in expanding broadband connectivity, improving telecommunications infrastructure, and developing data centers to provide reliable and affordable internet access across the country. The objective is to enable citizens and businesses to fully participate in the digital economy. 

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), internet usage and mobile broadband subscriptions have grown significantly in the Dominican Republic, and efforts to enhance trust in the digital ecosystem are ongoing. While the country’s cybersecurity ranking aligns with the Latin American and Caribbean average, it falls short of the OECD standard. Although progress has been made in e-government, expanding open data policies across public bodies remains a priority, as indicated by the OECD’s OURdata index. 

Digital Government 

The GoDR is also committed to digitizing public services, streamlining processes, and promoting transparency to enhance efficiency, reduce corruption, and improve service delivery.  

For a detailed view of the specific objectives and goals of the Digital Agenda 2030, please visit: Agenda Digital: Economia Digital 

To foster the growth of the digital economy, the Dominican Republic has been actively developing its innovation ecosystem through initiatives like the Innovation Hub Punta Bergantín and the ‘’Semilleros Digitales’’ from the Government Office for Information Technologies and Communication (OGTIC). 

The GoDR inaugurated the Innovation Hub Punta Bergantín in April 2024, a strategic platform designed to foster technological innovation and entrepreneurship. Located in Puerto Plata, known as “Silicon Beach,” this hub serves as a central nexus for startups, investors, and academic institutions. The hub’s core objectives include nurturing technological talent through a digital incubator, advancing research and development, and promoting entrepreneurship through incubators and accelerators. By offering specialized conditions, the hub aims to attract and retain digital nomads and entrepreneurial teams, contributing to the growth of the Dominican Republic’s digital economy. 

Meanwhile the ‘’Semilleros Digitales’’ program by the OGTIC is a strategic initiative aimed at nurturing digital talent in the Dominican Republic. By providing training in artificial intelligence, modern programming languages, web development, mobile applications, and other emerging technologies, the program equips young innovators with the skills necessary to develop cutting-edge digital solutions. This initiative, in conjunction with the Innovation Hub Punta Bergantín, plays a crucial role in fostering a vibrant digital economy by stimulating innovation, supporting startups, and strengthening the overall tech landscape in the country. 

Market Challenges 

Despite these advancements in the last few years, the country still faces certain challenges that hinder its full potential in the digital economy. 

Some of these challenges are: 

Regulatory Environment 

Data Privacy and Cross-Border Data Flows: The Dominican Republic has taken steps to address data privacy, particularly through the Data Protection Law (Law No. 172-13), which aims to safeguard personal data. However, challenges remain regarding the enforcement of these regulations and ensuring compliance among businesses, especially as digital transformation accelerates. Despite these challenges, as a signatory of the Dominican Republic- Central America- United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), the Dominican Republic, through Chapter 14 on Electronic Commerce, is encouraged to maintain cross-border flows of information and participate in multilateral fora to promote the development of electronic commerce and data privacy.   

Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity is a significant concern in the Dominican Republic. The country has implemented several measures, including the National Cybersecurity Strategy 2030, but there are ongoing challenges related to improving infrastructure, raising awareness, and enhancing the capacity of institutions to handle cyber threats effectively. 

Market Entry: Market entry for new businesses, especially in the tech sector, can be challenging due to regulatory complexities and bureaucratic processes. The Dominican Republic is making efforts to streamline these processes, but hurdles remain for startups and foreign investors. 

Public Sector Procurement: Public sector procurement processes in the Dominican Republic have faced criticism related to transparency and efficiency. Efforts are ongoing to improve procurement practices, but challenges persist in ensuring fair competition and reducing corruption risks. 

Digital Trade Barriers 

The Dominican Republic, like many nations, faces various digital trade barriers as it integrates more deeply into the global digital economy.  

Despite progress in improving technology infrastructure, challenges such as limited broadband access, outdated infrastructure, and digital skills gaps hinder technology adoption and innovation.  

Moreover, inconsistent IP enforcement can impact foreign technology providers and startups, despite existing laws.  

Internet penetration and quality have improved, but limited access to high-speed internet in rural areas and relatively high costs can impact widespread digital adoption. The government is working to expand and improve internet infrastructure, but regulatory challenges related to internet services do exist.  

The Dominican Republic’s trade policies and agreements can be influenced by its relationships with third countries. As a member of several trade agreements, such as CAFTA-DR, the country’s digital trade policies must align with international standards, which can sometimes lead to external biases or influences in shaping local regulations and market access conditions. 


The Dominican Republic offers several promising avenues for growth in the digital economy: 

Cloud Computing: Despite initial skepticism about security, cloud computing has the potential to transform businesses and government operations. Educating stakeholders about the security measures offered by cloud providers is crucial for adoption. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Dominican Republic has been very forward-leaning on the AI as part of their 2030 Innovation Agenda. They have supported the U.S.-promulgated UNGA resolution on AI and published a national strategy here

Internet of Things (IoT): The rise of IoT presents opportunities for Dominican companies to optimize their operations and create innovative business models. The technology is gaining traction due to the influence of the United States in home automation. 

Big Data: Leveraging big data analytics can significantly enhance decision-making in both the public and private sectors. Companies offering big data services can capitalize on this growing demand. 

E-commerce: The Dominican Republic’s expanding middle class and increasing internet penetration create a favorable environment for e-commerce growth. Online marketplaces, retail platforms, and digital payments can drive economic development and job creation. 

Fintech: Fintech innovations have the potential to revolutionize financial services. Mobile payments, digital lending, and insurance technology can improve access to financial products and services for individuals and businesses. 

Healthcare Technology: Digital technologies can enhance healthcare delivery, reduce costs, and improve access to services. Telemedicine, electronic health records, and medical imaging are areas with significant potential. 

Renewable Energy: The Dominican Republic’s abundant renewable energy resources offer opportunities for digital technologies to promote sustainable energy development and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. 

Critical and Emerging Technologies 

The Dominican Republic’s focus on healthcare aligns with the country’s critical and emerging technologies. These technologies can improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare services, particularly in rural areas. 


Agenda Digital 2030: Economía Digital  

El Dinero: Que es el hub de innovación Punta Bergantin 

Presidencia: OGTIC y el Gabinete de Innovacion presentan programa Semilleros Digitales  

Perspectivas Económicas de America Latina 2020 Latina 2020 

Protección Integral Datos Personales  

Agenda Digital 2030: Ciberseguridad Transversal  

Country Commercial Guide Dominican Republic ICT  

Informe Economico BID