Congo, Republic of the - Country Commercial Guide
Selling Factors & Techniques
Last published date:

U.S. companies need to be aware that English is not widely spoken in the Republic of the Congo.  The official language of business is French. Few government officials and potential business partners have more than a passing knowledge of English. Companies without French language proficiency are well-advised to engage a trusted interpreter before attempting to enter the Republic of the Congo market. Personal relationships are very important. There is no substitute for face-to-face contact.


Local goods are almost exclusively imported, and the customs fees are among the highest in Africa. International and domestic transportation costs are a considerable factor in selling goods.

Sales Service/Customer Support

Good customer service, follow-up services and inventories can confer a significant competitive advantage in the Congolese market.

Local Professional Services

Retaining an attorney is not required, but a local attorney may be best placed to handle many of the routine legal and regulatory issues that may arise. U.S. Embassy’s Consular Section can provide a local list of attorneys.  The list can also be accessed via the Embassy’s website at

Principal Business Associations

The principal business association in the Republic of the Congo is UNICONGO. An American Chamber of Commerce was established in Pointe-Noire in 2019, the country commercial hub, but it is not currently active. 

Limitations on Selling U.S. Products and Services

There are no known manufacturing sectors or services where only citizens or a sub-set of the population can own or sell.