Congo, Republic of the - Country Commercial Guide
Business Travel
Last published date:

Business Customs

Many American business customs apply in the Republic of the Congo, although more formalities should be expected.  Expect to hire a French translator and know how to work effectively through a translator.  Business attire is expected in meetings despite the warm climate.  First names are less common or expected; you should learn the last name of your interlocutor as well as address her/him as Ms./Mr. Lastname.  Exchanges of business cards and small gifts are common.

Travel Advisory

The latest U.S. government information on traveling to the Republic of the Congo may be obtained through the State Department consular information sheet.

Visa requirements

A passport, visa, and evidence of yellow fever vaccination are required for entry.  Airport visas are not available, and visitors to the Republic of the Congo will need to obtain their visas in advance of travel.  A letter of invitation and/or written proof of a hotel reservation are required in order to apply for a visa.  Your local sponsor should arrange this for you.

Additional information on entry requirements may be obtained from the Embassy of the Republic of the Congo, 1720 16th Street, NW, Washington DC 20009, telephone (202) 726-5500, from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Congo to the United Nations, 14 E. 65th St., New York, NY, 10021, telephone (212) 744-7840. Overseas inquiries should be made at the nearest Congolese embassy or consulate. 

U.S. Companies that require travel of foreign businesspersons to the United States are advised that security evaluations are handled via an interagency process. Visa applicants should go to the following link(s):  State Department Visa Website


The common currency used in the Republic of the Congo and other CEMAC members is the CFA Franc (CFA).  The CFA is linked to the Euro and is treated as an intervention monetary unit at a fixed exchange rate of 1 Euro: 655.957 CFA Franc.  It is widely available at hotels and ATMs. 


Telecommunications are generally adequate and reliable. Cellular service is available in the major cities and the interior of the country.  U.S. carriers are unlikely to work in Congo, but travelers may obtain local SIM cards for the duration of their travels at reasonable prices.  Electric service is 220v.  The Republic of the Congo uses the European-type two-pin plugs.


The international airports of Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire constitute the primary entry points for travel from the United States.  Brazzaville’s Maya-Maya International Airport is ten minutes from the city center.  Various airlines provide domestic flights including Trans Air Congo and Canadian Airways Congo. Taxis are available in Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, Dolisie, and Ouesso.  Car rental is available but expensive.  Major hotels offer bus service to and from the airports for international flights. 


French is the Republic of the Congo’s official language.  English is not widely spoken.


Medical facilities are limited. A list of doctors may be obtained through the Embassy’s consular section.  Malaria is endemic in the Republic of the Congo.  Malaria prophylaxis are strongly recommended and should be started prior to arrival.  Travelers should drink only bottled water or bottled drinks.

Local time, business hours, and holidays

Local time is GMT+1.  The working days for civil servants and employees of private companies typically begin at 7:30 am and conclude around 3:30 pm (civil servants may finish a little earlier, private employees a little later), with a thirty-minute lunch break.  An updated list of holidays may be found on the U.S. Embassy’s website.