Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Kuwait Public Sector Oil Contracts

Kuwait adopts new local content rules for public sector oil contracts. U.S. companies must understand the requirement and the process if bidding on a project.

Oil and Gas Kuwait Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Greece Cyber Security Strategy

Greece’s ongoing digital transformation initiated by the Greek government, is documented in the “Digital Transformation Bible” plan for 2020-2025.

Cybersecurity Greece
Market Intelligence
Taiwan NextGen Satellite Communications Companies

Taiwan presents top global export opportunities in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) sector.

Telecommunications Taiwan Market Research
Market Intelligence
Israel's Oil and Gas Sector

Israel has been continuously developing its offshore gas resources since the first commercial discovery of natural gas in the year 2000.

Oil and Gas Israel
Market Intelligence
Ireland Energy Security Supply

Irish government launches public consultation to develop country’s energy security policy. 

Energy Ireland
Market Intelligence
Ireland Defense Increase in Investment

Ireland steps up their military and cyber defense, budget to reach €1.5 billion annually by 2028.

Aerospace and Defense Ireland
Market Intelligence
Croatia Information and Communication Technology

Tenders for the $25 million EU-funded 5G rural infrastructure development project in Croatia are expected in 2023.

Telecommunications Equipment Croatia Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Croatia Geothermal Energy

Pre-tender consultations with potential suppliers of geothermal drill rigs are expected. The project, valued at over $30 million, is supported by EU funds.

Energy Croatia Environment and Natural Resources
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Education Sector

The education technology (EdTech) market in Vietnam has great potential and is accelerating in recent years.

Educational Technology Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Solar Power Sector

Vietnam has been leading in solar power development in the ASEAN region. The solar power sector grew strongly, with a new capacity estimated at 17.6 GW in 2021.

Solar Energy Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Wind Power Sector

Wind power is among Vietnam’s priorities in the clean energy transition. It is estimated that 8.6% of Vietnam’s land mass could be used for wind power. 

Wind Energy Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Energy Sector

Vietnam is one of Asia’s fastest-growing energy markets. Vietnam expects power consumption to grow from 10% annually until 2030. 

Energy Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Papua New Guinea Port Development

Papua New Guinea’s port development plan offers diverse opportunities for U.S. companies.

Ports Infrastructure and Services Papua New Guinea Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Qatar Automotive Sector and Electric Vehicles

Qatar has a very dynamic automotive sector, with growing interest in electric vehicles.

Automotive Retailers Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Healthcare Non-Communicable Diseases

Non-communicable diseases are increasing, as is the demand for advanced diagnostics and imaging medical devices for hospitals and self-monitoring devices.

Healthcare Regulatory Consultants Malaysia Public Administration