Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Sweden E-commerce Market Overview

Online shopping for both goods and services is increasing in Sweden due largely to convenience, lower prices and better selections.

eCommerce Industry Sweden
Market Intelligence
EU Security and Customs Equipment

The security situation in Europe has led the European Union (EU) and its member countries to invest more money in border security.

Scanning and Detection Systems EU Customs Barriers
Market Intelligence
EU Defense Related Research and Development Financing

Now is the time for U.S. companies to partner with European businesses to compete for the EU’s premier defense research and development program. 

Defense Equipment EU Investment Policy
Market Intelligence
Bulgaria Aeromedical Sector

Bulgaria is preparing to implement a Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) plan. 

Helicopters Bulgaria
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Telecommunications

Indonesia to procure SATRIA-2 multifunctional satellite.

Telecommunications Equipment Indonesia
Market Intelligence
Singapore Clean Energy

Singapore doubles down on domestic efforts to address its energy needs.

Energy Singapore
Market Intelligence
Singapore New Data Centers

Opportunities at the next generation tropical data centers in Singapore and the region.

Information and Communication Technology Singapore
Market Intelligence
Angola’s Ministry of Education (MED)

Angola’s Ministry of Education (MED) is commissioned to implement programs to rapidly respond to pre-school, primary and secondary priority education needs.

Education Angola
Market Intelligence
Indonesia: Waste-to-Energy Industry Market

As Indonesia looks to reduce its reliance on traditional energy sources, waste-to-energy is increasingly becoming a viable alternative solution.

Renewable Energy Indonesia
Market Intelligence
Poland Foreign Military Financing

The U.S. Congress approved the transfer of USD288.6 million to Poland as part of Foreign Military Financing.

Aerospace and Defense Poland Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
Qatar – Cybersecurity Sector

As Qatar gets ready to host the FIFA World Cup the country’s physical infrastructure will be put to the test as will its less-tangible, cyber infrastructure.

Cybersecurity Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Indonesia E-Commerce Sectors

In 2021, the Indonesia e-commerce market became the ninth largest in the world with a value of US$43 billion. 

eCommerce Industry Indonesia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Bulgaria Road Safety Sector

Bulgaria has ranked second among the 28 EU member states regarding the number of annual traffic fatalities within its borders.  

Industries Bulgaria
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Domestic Product Spending

As Indonesia looks towards a self-sufficient economy, its government is implementing policies which are creating challenges for importers.

Market Intelligence
Indonesia Battery Industry Market

Indonesia’s move to renewable energy will require large investments to improve grid sustainability and energy storage solutions.

Renewable Energy Equipment Indonesia