Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Mozambique Infrastructure Project

The World Bank’s Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project will improve trade infrastructure across the Nacala Corridor in Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia.

Building Products Mozambique Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
Serbia Infrastructure Investment

The Serbian Government announced an allocation of $13.5 billion for major development projects in a National Investment Plan to be completed by 2025.  Most of the funds will go to road, rail, air, and water upgrades, all opportunities for U.S. firms. 

Design and Construction Serbia Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
Japan Full-body Safety Harnesses

Demand for Full-body Safety Harnesses is increasing in Japan.

Design and Construction Japan Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
Croatia Smart City Lights

The city of Zagreb approved $170 million valued project for energy efficient reconstruction of public lighting for smart LED technology.  

Design and Construction Croatia Exports
Market Intelligence
UAE 3D Printing Opportunities in Construction

The UAE holds opportunity for competitive U.S. construction products, services and technology companies, particularly, in the area of 3D printing. 

3D Printing United Arab Emirates Trade Development