Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the United Kingdom market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
United Kingdom ICT Advanced Research and Invention Agency Launched

The UK Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), a new independent research body to fund high-risk, high-reward scientific research, has formally launched.

Information and Communication Technology United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom ICT Market and Regulations Overview

The UK is the largest ICT market in Europe, offering significant opportunities for U.S. tech providers. 

Information and Communication Technology United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Artificial Intelligence Market 2023

The UK is committed to creating an economy that harnesses artificial intelligence (AI) and big data providing great opportunities to U.S. tech companies.

Information and Communication Technology United Kingdom Laws and Regulations
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Nuclear Power to Help UK Shift to Clean Energy

The UK Government looks to nuclear energy to achieve net zero emissions goals.

Civil Nuclear Power United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Training for Land Forces

The UK MOD is seeking representative human terrain training for Land Forces to enhance military capability.

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom ICT UK Launches National Quantum Strategy

On March 15, 2023, the UK Department for Science, Innovation and Technology published its National Quantum Strategy.

Information and Communication Technology United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks Innovators for Next Generation Satellite Communications Network

The Ministry of Defence seeks Industry innovation to define its next generation of military communications satellites.

Satellites United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Wearable Technologies

The Ministry of Defence’s Defence Science and Technical Lab seeks to identify and develop Generation-after-next Wearable Technologies.  

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks Disruptive Science and Technology

The Ministry of Defence seeks disruptive science and technology that will impact the future of defense.

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Next Generation Communications

The Ministry of Defence seeks novel beyond the line of sight (BLOS) communication technologies.

Telecommunications United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Energy Storage Market

Energy storage is a high priority for the UK and a key element of the government’s push towards a net zero-carbon economy.

Energy United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Carbon Capture Market

Carbon capture, usage, and storage (CCUS) have been identified as a key opportunity for economic growth and for achieving net-zero emissions in the UK.

Energy United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Artificial Intelligence Market

The UK has one of the strongest artificial intelligence (AI) strategies in the world, with significant government funding and research activity in the field.  

Information and Communication Technology United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Cooperative Missile Technology

The UK’s Defence Science and Technical Lab seeks to identify and develp novel technologies for a new category of cooperative missiles. 

Aerospace and Defense United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Offshore Wind

The United Kingdom boasts the most offshore installations and seven of the ten biggest offshore wind sites in the world.

Energy United Kingdom