Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Mexico market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
Mexico Recycling Machinery

Plastic recycling machinery will be in demand in Mexico for the next few years, especially machinery that can be integrated into the production process and is capable of producing high-purity, near-prime pellets.

Plastic Materials and Resins Mexico Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Mexico Plastic Recyclables

Mexico’s demand for recyclable plastic waste is substantial, which provides sales opportunities for U.S. small or medium sized exporters (SMEs).   Excluding polyethylene terephthalate (PET), an export market worth USD 19 million could be a niche market for U.S. plastic exporters. 

Plastic Materials and Resins Mexico Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Mexico National Standardization Plan

The National Standardization Plan is the official document used to plan, inform, and coordinate standardization activities, both public and private, carried out by the Mexican Government.  

Mexico Metrology
Market Intelligence
Mexico Natural Care Products

An international trend toward environmentally-friendly products favors U.S. exporters of organic personal care products to Mexico. 

Cosmetics and Toiletries Mexico Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Mexico Infrastructure Law

Mexico’s new Quality Infrastructure Law (QIL) replaces the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization. 

Wholesale Trade Mexico Accreditation
Market Intelligence
Mexico hybrid and electric vehicles

Disruptive technologies in the automotive industry can be opportunities for U.S. exporters.

Automotive Parts Mexico Exports