Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Italy Opportunities Italian Research Institute

Italy launched a project for building a new national cross-disciplinary research institute focused on life sciences, called Human Technopole (HT).

Scientific Laboratory Equipment Italy Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Healthcare Sector

U.S. businesses interested in Vietnam’s healthcare market may enter by appointing an agent/distributor or directly by establishing a commercial operation.

Healthcare Vietnam Market Access
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Medical Device Regulation

A summary of what companies will need to do in order to place a medical device on the Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and Northern Ireland markets from January 2021. 

Medical Devices EU Market Access
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Medical Procurement System

Indonesia’s national public procurement agency announced its enrollment of medicines and medical devices in its national e-Katalog system. 

Biopharmaceuticals Indonesia Market Access
Market Intelligence
India Nutraceuticals Industry

India’s nutraceutical industry is expected to hold at least 3.5 percent of global market share by 2023.

Healthcare India
Market Intelligence
Taiwan Medical Devices

Taiwan is a stable and growing market for innovative medical devices and products. 

Medical Devices Taiwan Market Access
Market Intelligence
Australia Dental Industry

The Australian healthcare industry is dependent on imported equipment and demand is high for high quality, innovative dental products. 

Medical Devices Australia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Qatar Introduces Public-Private Partnership Law

The Qatari government recently enacted a law governing public-private partnerships (PPPs) signaling to U.S. firms access to the government of Qatar on infrastructure development opportunities. 

Education Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
South Africa Healthcare Research

South Africa announces the establishment of a Technology Innovation Cluster.

Healthcare South Africa Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Austria Telemedicine

A recent poll on telemedicine in Austria offers valuable takeaways for U.S. vendors.

Healthcare Services Austria
Market Intelligence
Sweden eHealth

U.S. eHealth companies with globally competitive products and services should consider customizing for the unique Swedish market.

Healthcare Sweden Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Portugal Medical Devices

Major suppliers to the medical devices in Portugal are: U. S. Germany, France and Japan. Increased opportunities for U.S. manufacturers are expected in coming years.

Medical Devices Portugal
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Health IT

The United Arab Emirates is investing in Health IT products and services for electronic medical records (EMR), telemedicine, smart health & apps to improve efficiencies and improve patient health and safety. 

Healthcare United Arab Emirates Information Management
Market Intelligence
Japan Health & Medical Strategy

Japan implemented the second phase of its five-year health and medical strategy designed to advance healthcare industry developments in Japan and will give US companies insight into potential opportunities in the Japanese market. 

Biopharmaceuticals Japan Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Japan Medical Devices Regulatory Environment

Japan’s Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Law (PMD Law) improves the regulatory environment for medical devices. 

Biopharmaceuticals Japan Export Strategy