Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Digital Healthcare

The digital healthcare market in the United Kingdom may be attractive to U.S. firms.

Health Information Technology Europe Exports
Market Intelligence
Philippines Health IT

The Philippines seeks to implement universal healthcare across 7000 islands. Challenges in healthcare IT for government and the private sector offer market opportunities. 

Information and Communication Technology Philippines Information Technology
Market Intelligence
Australia Death Care Market

The ownership and operations of cemeteries, memorial parks and crematoria in Australia is largely the responsibility of state or local authorities. Suppliers of funeral products traditionally enter the Australian market by working with an existing distributor. 

Death Care Australia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Hungary MedTech and Health IT

The Ministry of Human Capacities is aiming to dedicate USD 2.18 billion for MedTech and Health IT development in Hungary until 2026.

Healthcare Hungary Industrial Development
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Healthcare Infrastructure

The expansion of Guatemala’s hospital infrastructure offers opportunities for U.S. companies.

Healthcare Guatemala
Market Intelligence
UAE Health IT Opportunity

U.S. healthcare companies should consider attending the region’s largest annual healthcare trade show, Arab Health, which is currently scheduled for February 1 – 4, 2021 in Dubai.

Healthcare United Arab Emirates Trade Development