Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Mexico Used Vehicle Import Regulations

Effective July 1, 2020, used vehicles need to comply with regulations under the treaty.

Automotive Mexico Import Quotas and Restrictions
Market Intelligence
Thailand Automotive Electric Trucks

Thailand seeks advanced upstream electric vehicle products and energy storage systems to meet surging EV truck demand.

Automotive Thailand Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
India Automobile Sector Accessories

Changing consumer preferences in the auto accessories sector provide ample opportunities for U.S. companies.

Automotive Aftermarket Parts South Asia Export Promotion
Market Intelligence
Poland Automotive Decarbonization of heavy road transport

Heavy road transport is an important sector in Poland, but in view of the European climate zero-emission targets, it will have to undergo a transformation.

Fueling Infrastructure Stations Poland Economic Development and Investment
Moving with Africa Market Intelligence Cover
Market Intelligence
Moving with Africa Market Intelligence Report 2024

Ten markets in Sub Saharan Africa have written market briefs to give a high-level overview of the opportunities and challenges in their respective markets. 

Automotive Sub-Saharan Africa Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
Ghana Energy Transition Plan

Ghana launches an ambitious plan to reach net zero emissions. 

Civil Nuclear Power Africa Climate
Market Intelligence
Brazil Automotive Green Mobility Investment

$22 Billion Green Mobility investment is planned in the Brazilian automotive industry.

Automotive Brazil Investment and Service Barriers
Market Intelligence
Ghana Industrial Materials Critical Minerals Graphite

With a new high quality graphite find, Ghana solidifies its role as a potential critical minerals supplier to the electrical vehicle value chain.


Rare Earth Metals Africa Environment and Natural Resources
Market Intelligence
Poland Automotive Decarbonization of heavy road transport

Heavy road transport is an important sector in Poland, but in view of the European climate zero-emission targets, it will have to undergo a transformation.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Poland Investment and Service Barriers
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Automotive Update: Government Announces Delay in ZEV Mandate

On September 20, 2023, the UK Government announced an easing of the Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Mandate from 2030 to 2035. 

Electric Vehicles United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Automotive EU Member States Approve EV Tariff Suspension

The EU and the UK agreed to a three-year extension to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement’s (TCA) rules of origin for electric vehicles and batteries.

Electric Vehicles United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Mexico Electromobility and Battery Project Regulation

The Mexican government is accepting comments on a new electromobility regulation.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Mexico Foreign Trade Regulations
Market Intelligence
Italy Automotive Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicle sales grow in Italy, but the charging infrastructure is not fit to meet demand. This may be an opportunity for U.S. firms in this supply chain.

Automotive Italy
Market Intelligence
Sweden Electric Vehicles Market Overview

Automotive and smart mobility are key industries in Sweden. Sweden plans to be fossil neutral by 2045 and subsidize environmental vehicle procurement.

Automotive Sweden
Market Intelligence
Ghana Critical Minerals Market

Ghana takes important steps to develop lithium deposits. 

Mining Equipment and Machinery Ghana Climate