Overview of the International Trade Administration Support for Cybersecurity Companies
The International Trade Administration support for the cybersecurity industry extends to devoting a Cybersecurity Team within the U.S. Commercial Service to help prospective companies become export-ready and to aid in their international activities, and increasing sales for companies already exporting. Our staff can assist with finding a qualified foreign partner, elevating your business needs overseas, and utilizing our resources within U.S. Embassies and Consulates to build your international presence.
International support for cybersecurity companies can be requested by individuals, forms, and consortiums with 51% of U.S. content. The following scenarios can receive international support from the U.S. Commercial Service:
- U.S. entity seeking assistance in a country outside of the United States
- U.S.-based affiliate of a foreign-owned firm
- Foreign-based affiliate of a U.S firm or foreign representative of a U.S. firm
- U.S. consortium or international consortium containing a U.S. firm
Global Markets and Trends
- U.S. cybersecurity companies are world leaders with the know-how and technology to offer their products and services to customer around the world.
- The increased digitization of economies has expanded the surface for cyberattacks creating additional awareness and need for cybersecurity products and services.
- Generally speaking, Canada, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region tend to be the largest destinations for U.S. cybersecurity exports.
- In 2020, the United States exported approximately $520 billion worth of ICT services and potentially ICT-enabled services. Of the $520 billion total, Canada accounted for approximately $39 billion, Asia-Pacific for $122 billion, and Europe for $247 billion.
- U.S. cybersecurity service providers are top innovation and market leaders with significant international market share, brand recognition, and expertise. According to Cybercrime Magazine, 118 of the top 2021 150 hot cyber companies have their headquarters in the United States. Increased need for cybersecurity services will continue to offer international opportunities for U.S. cybersecurity service providers because as digitization continues, so does the exposure to cyber-attacks.
For cybersecurity events, please visit our featured events on Information and Communications Technology Page.
International Trade Administration Resources
Our analysts and industry specialists work to eliminate trade barriers and promote best regulatory practices that enable innovation and economic growth through increased U.S. exports and foreign investment in the United States.
Industry & Analysis Trade Policy Expert
Emma Handel
Cybersecurity Trade Promotion Expert
Pompeya Lambrecht

Export Success Story
SyncDog Inc., a game changing technology in the mobile security space has experienced significant growth in numerous international markets mostly as a result of partnering with the U.S. Commercial Service. They are meeting their global expansion goals by establishing the appropriate number of distributors, resellers and service providers in markets such S.E. Asia, India, the Middle East and South America through focused introductions from the US Commercial Services team. Their quick success in these markets in 2020 has them excited about exploring many new markets in 2021.