Tajikistan Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in tajikistan, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Electrical Power Systems
Last published date:

Electrical Power Systems


The Government of Tajikistan aims to transform itself from a net energy importer to a net energy exporter, on the strength of its potential for hydropower and solar power production.  According to the World Bank, Tajikistan’s power production is 92 percent hydropower, six percent hydrocarbon, and two percent from other sources.  Tajikistan’s hydropower potential is estimated at 527 billion kWh per year, which exceeds the existing electricity consumption of the countries of Central Asia by 300%.  The country’s largest project is the Roghun Dam Hydropower Plant project, which when completed is estimated to produce 3600 Megawatts of energy.  The biggest existing HPPs operated by state power utility Barki Tojik are Nurek (3,000 MW), Sangtuda 2 (670 MW), Baipaza (600 MW), Golovnaya (240 MW), Sangtuda 2 (220MW), and Qairakkum (126 MW).  Most are undergoing refurbishment and modernization.

The power system of the country is undergoing radical transformation and rapid modernization.  Under World Bank guidance, Barki Tojik has spun off its power transmission and distribution companies and has begun the process of raising its electricity tariffs to cover production costs.  The existing electrical transmission and distribution systems of Tajikistan, designed in the 1970s during the Soviet era, are also being upgraded and expanded, allowing transmission of power from Tajikistan to surrounding countries. 

The government is actively seeking support for development of solar power, noting that the country has an average of 300 sunny days per year, with mountain terrain unsuitable for farming allowing space for solar farms. 

Tajikistan is encouraging the use of electric vehicles, particularly in Dushanbe.  This will require a significant increase in charging and monitoring stations.

Leading Sub-Sectors 

  • Power transmission equipment and supplies
  • Power system monitoring equipment
  • Solar Cells
  • Batteries
  • Charging equipment for electric vehicles
  • Hydropower


IEA: Tajikistan 2022 - Energy Sector Review 

Tajikistan 2022 Energy Sector Review 

ADB CAREC Energy outlook 2030

Hydro energy resources of Tajikistan

Rogun HPP project: Technical Assistance for Financing Framework for Rogun Hydropower Project 

Nurek HPP project: Nurek Hydropower Rehabilitation Project Phase I

Kairakkum HPP – Rehabilitation of Kairakkum project 

CASA project  

The Struggle to Power Tajikistan  

World Bank Report on Access to electricity (% of population)   

Project Management Group for Energy Facilities under the President of Tajikistan http://www.energyprojects.tj/

Open Joint Stock Energy Company Barki Tojik (http://www.barkitojik.tj/

Table: Total Mark,et size 2020-2023 est.
 2020202120222023 estimated
Total Local Production$429.0$421.0$463.0$450.0
Total Exports$50.0$94.0$106.0$110.0
Total Imports$122.0$277.0$217.0$200.0
Imports from the US$.54$2.2n/an/a
Total Market Size$501.0$604.0$574.0$540.0
Exchange Rates$1 = 10.3380$1 = 11.2485$1= 10.2153$1 = 10.9637

(Total market size = (total local production + imports) - exports)
Units: $ millions