Malta Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in malta, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Trade Barriers
Last published date:

Most imports into Malta do not require an import license.  However, in accordance with EU regulations, U.S. exporters may encounter the need for one or more of the following:

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Licenses:  Imported foodstuffs, whether as raw materials or processed goods require CAP license.  The Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Animal Rights processes and controls these licenses.  CAP products of animal or derived from plants may require CITES clearance or Port Health Authority clearance.

Trade Services Division (DTI) Licenses:  Importation for any type of product could necessitate the need for a DTI license; normally importers of firearms and nuclear materials require such licenses.  The Trade Services Division of the Ministry for the Economy, and Industry issues import licenses for quotas. 

Certificates of Veterinary Clearance (CVC):  Goods such as meat, poultry, milk, eggs, sausage skins, and fishery products must pass veterinary health checks at a Border Inspection Post (BIP) upon arrival in Malta.  A CVC issued by the BIP is normally required to obtain Customs clearance.  Rabies-susceptible animals require a national import license.  A plant health certificate and/or import license needs to accompany all plants intended for growing, as well as a range of fruits, vegetables, and other plant products.  Endangered species and their products need specific permits or other documentation to be legally imported.

European Union License:  The EU prohibits the importation of products that contain certain ozone-depleting substances (ODS); in certain cases, the EU may issue an import license.

For information on existing trade barriers, please see the latest National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers, published by USTR and available at:

  • Information on agricultural trade barriers can be found at:
  • To report existing or new trade barriers and gain assistance in removing them, contact either the Trade Compliance Center at Office of Trade Agreements Negotiation and Compliance
  • TANC: or Embassy Valletta at

Additional information is available from the following sources:

  • Malta Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Animal Rights:
  • Malta Ministry of Economy, and Industry:
  • Business First:
  • Malta Commerce Department:

Enforcement and Compliance
(202) 482-0063

Trade Enforcement