Malta Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in malta, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Agricultural Sector
Last published date:


Food security is of vital importance to Malta, and Malta’s rural development program emphasizes restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems; achieving resource efficiency; and improving the competitiveness of the farm sectors. 

Malta’s accession to the European Union significantly reshaped the agricultural sector in the Maltese Islands.  In 2018, the government issued a comprehensive ten-year agriculture policy.  The Agricultural Policy for the Maltese Islands 2018-2028 aims to provide a clear direction to all relevant stakeholders, ranging from public entities involved with certification, permitting and decision making to private entities directly involved in the agricultural scenario who intend to invest or diversify their business.  Government entities, representatives of the private sector, and the farming community identified a vision for the Maltese agriculture sector and agreed upon the following targets:

  • Increasing the competitiveness of active farmers and livestock breeders by focusing on quality and encouraging diversification;
  • Facilitating the entry of young farmers by creating a cost-effective agri-business sector;
  • Fostering sustainability of farming activities by adapting to the local geo-climatic conditions; and
  • Ensuring that farmland is managed by genuine farmers for agricultural purposes and related activities.

Leading Sub-Sectors

Grains and Timber

Malta uses U.S. red winter wheat and soft wheat to produce traditional Maltese bread.  U.S. suppliers of wheat should continue to take advantage of this demand.  The Kordin Grain Terminal is centrally located for handling, storage, and transshipment of all types of free-flowing grains, such as wheat, corn, and barley.  It offers services including direct ship-to-ship transfer, recycling, fumigation, and temperature monitoring.

Malta is also a substantial importer of timber and timber products—most notably American Oak—for use by the local wood manufacturing industry.  Increased importation of U.S. hard and softwoods by Italy should translate to market growth in Malta as well.

Crop Inventories

Opportunities exist for U.S. firms selling or licensing technologies or services used for tracking and maintaining agriculture products in the supply chain. 


The Maltese market is an opportunity for U.S. suppliers to sell any U.S. product already exported to the EU.  The Maltese have a unique palate formed by the intersection of their Mediterranean location and British historical connection.  Maltese supermarkets typically provide a wide range of products and brands from neighboring Italy.  Some of the products most likely to succeed include tree nut snacks, beers, pet foods, and savory snacks of all kinds.  The constraints that new entrants will face include strong competition from established brands, particularly British labels, and price competition.

Urban Agriculture

Opportunities are available to promote U.S. technology and know-how for maximizing agricultural output from minimal land space (e.g., urban agriculture, vertical farming, and hydroponics).


  • U.S. Embassy Valletta:
  • U.S. Embassy Rome – Foreign Agricultural Service:
  • Ministry for Agriculturea