Kyrgyzstan - Country Commercial Guide
Kyrgyz Republic - Trade Barriers
Last published date:

Structural barriers to trade in the Kyrgyz Republic include a weak system of business law, a lack of an effective judicial system for breach-of-contract resolution, an unwieldy government bureaucracy, and rampant corruption. The business community has raised concerns about 2021 laws passed that concentrate more power in the Kyrgyz presidency and cabinet of ministers. Many companies serving the market report significant logistical difficulties. In addition, there is a burdensome tax monitoring system for all companies operating in the Kyrgyz Republic, which may affect U.S. firms that decide to operate through a representative office.

Implementation of EAEU customs requirements continues to be non-uniform across the Union and within the Kyrgyz Republic itself. Occasional but significant delays in the movement of transit goods coming from the Kyrgyz Republic through Kazakhstan due to stricter inspections by the Kazakh authorities led the Kyrgyz Republic to lodge an official complaint against Kazakhstan to the WTO in February 2020.[1] Customs inspectors are unable or unwilling to make informed decisions regarding requirements or clearances. Widespread corruption, extending even to the judicial system, affects nearly all aspects of doing business, including customs clearance, registration, employment of locals and foreigners, and payment of taxes.
