Kyrgyzstan - Country Commercial Guide
Kyrgyz Republic - Business Travel
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Business Customs

The Kyrgyz Republic draws on a combination of Central Asian and Russian cultural influences, and customs may depend on the ethnicity of the person with whom you are meeting. It is customary to shake hands and call people by their first name and patronymic (adaptation of the father’s first name) at business meetings and at informal gatherings, though use of just the first name is also acceptable. Business attire is generally a suit and tie for men, and a suit or business dress for women. Refreshments are usually served at business meetings - coffee, tea and water are the norms. Small gifts (pens, company logo pins, portfolios, and books) are frequently given at the end of an initial meeting as a token of appreciation. Business cards are the norm, often printed in both Russian/Kyrgyz and English.

Scheduling meetings, especially official ones that require going through established protocol channels, can be difficult, but this is also standard practice. It can sometimes take weeks to get a response to an e-mail, fax, or a telephone message request for a meeting, and for the meeting to take place on short notice. Once contact has been established, it may take some time to confirm a date and time to meet. It is not uncommon for meetings to be cancelled last minute with no explanation.

Kyrgyzstani businessmen are generally less direct than U.S. businessmen. What can be accomplished in a few meetings in the United States might take more time in the Kyrgyz Republic, requiring patience, some understanding of local cultural aspects, and persistence. An experienced and competent interpreter can be invaluable in business meetings.

Although Islam is the most prevalent religion in the Kyrgyz Republic, business travelers with experience in Islamic countries will find the country to be very secular in comparison, and many practices that exist elsewhere in Muslim world are not widely observed here, although this is slowly changing. It is quite common for Kyrgyz people to consume alcohol at dinner functions or receptions and to consume pork products.

Travel Advisory

Please consult the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs website, or the Embassy’s website, for current travel and consular information, including the most recent country-specific information for the Kyrgyz Republic.

All U.S. citizens residing in or visiting the Kyrgyz Republic are encouraged to sign up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). Enrollment in STEP greatly facilitates our ability to locate you in the event of an emergency. STEP also allows us to contact you in case the Embassy or your relatives need to pass you an urgent message. We will release information about you to others only in accordance with your wishes (as stipulated by the U. S. Privacy Act of 1974).

The U.S. Embassy in Bishkek is located at:

171 Chingiz Aitmatov Ave. (Also called Mir Prospect), Bishkek 720016

Kyrgyz Republic

Telephone: +996 (312) 59 70 00.  

Visa Requirements

You must have a valid U.S. passport to visit the Kyrgyz Republic. Your passport must be valid for a minimum period of six months from the date of entry into the Kyrgyz Republic and must have at least one full blank page if you are applying for a visa.

A visa-free regime for citizens of some countries, including the United States of America, was introduced in July 2012. U.S. citizens are permitted to enter the country for tourism for up to 60 days without a visa; U.S. citizens who intend to stay in the Kyrgyz Republic beyond 60 days must register with their district State Registration Service Office at or may apply for a visa on arrival at Manas International Airport. It is illegal to engage in religious activity, beyond attending weekly services, on a tourist visa. Travelers should apply for the correct category of visa for their purpose of travel. For the most up-to-date visa information and information regarding entry/exit requirements, contact the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Washington D.C.

Individuals traveling to the Kyrgyz Republic to perform religious work or work in affiliation with any religious organization in any capacity are required by national law to declare so on their visa applications, and must obtain a work visa and register with the Office of Religious Affairs after arrival. Some HIV/AIDS entry restrictions exist for visitors and foreign residents in the Kyrgyz Republic. The law states that visitors staying more than one month must present evidence that they are HIV-negative. This restriction has not been actively enforced, but enforcement could begin without notice. Please verify the status of this requirement with the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic before you travel.

The Kyrgyz Republic allows travelers to enter and exit the country with up to the equivalent of $10,000 . For sums greater than $10,000, a customs declaration is required.

Information about dual nationality or the prevention of international child abduction can be found on our website. For further information about customs regulations, please read our Customs Information page.

U.S. companies that require travel of foreign businesspersons to the United States are advised that security evaluations are handled via an interagency process. Visa applicants should go to the following link(s):  State Department Visa Website. Potential travelers to the United States should apply for their visa well in advance of any proposed travel.


The som is the official currency of the Kyrgyz Republic. The use of U.S. dollars, particularly in the informal sector, is still prevalent in the country despite a law prohibiting the publication of prices in dollars. Debit and credit cards are common in major cities like Bishkek and Osh and resorts areas around Issy-Kul. ATMs are available throughout the country, though less so in rural areas. Visa and Mastercard are commonly accepted.

Telecommunications/Mobile Data

Telephone coverage in the Kyrgyz Republic is widespread but not universal, and despite increasing internet penetration, some remote areas lack internet connectivity. As in other developing countries with substandard telecommunications infrastructure and regulations, the number of cellular users has surpassed the number of landlines. Most travelers with roaming capabilities will have no problem using mobile phones and it is possible to obtain a local SIM card with a pay-as-you-go plan with a company such as Beeline, Mega, or O!  WiFi is readily available in most hotels and many cafes, and fast and reliable internet is available in most apartments in Bishkek.


Bishkek is the Kyrgyz Republic’s main transportation hub. Most business travelers arrive into Bishkek via Istanbul (Turkish Airlines), or Dubai (Fly Dubai), Almaty (AirAstana), Moscow (Aeroflot). It is roughly a six-hour flight from Istanbul and Moscow and just under four hours from Dubai. For up-to-date travel information, it is best to check the websites of the airport in Bishkek for arrival/departure schedules. Osh now receives flights from Istanbul as well, but with much less frequency.

Several operators offer daily flights between Bishkek and Osh. Jalalabad and Batken also have regular flights from Bishkek and Osh.


Despite a national movement to encourage the use of the Kyrgyz language, Russian is still widely used in larger cities and especially in business circles. English is becoming more common among business people, in particular those that deal with international partners and customers. Though good interpreters demand a premium price, business travelers should employ a qualified interpreter in business meetings. In July 2023, amendments to the Law “On the State Language of the Kyrgyz Republic” were adopted. The amendments include the requirement for the use of the Kyrgyz language in the activities of state bodies. Civil servants are obliged to know the state language and use it in the performance of their official duties.


Medical care in the Kyrgyz Republic is limited and well below North American and Western European standards. Basic medical supplies, including disposable needles, anesthetics, and antibiotics can be in short supply. Besides the shortage of medical supplies and poor infrastructure at public hospitals there can be difficulties for foreigners with communicating to medical personnel, especially elderly experienced doctors, due to lack of knowledge of English. Private clinics may offer more modern equipment or have English-speaking staff, although at a higher cost than state-run facilities. Elderly travelers and those with pre-existing health problems may be at risk due to inadequate medical facilities. Most resident Americans travel to Western Europe for serious medical treatment. Such travel can be extremely expensive if undertaken under emergency conditions. For this reason, all visitors are strongly advised to carry medical evacuation insurance that includes overseas hospitalization coverage and emergency air ambulance evacuation insurance. There are many private insurers that offer these types of services such as:  .

Visitors who take prescription medication should always carry their medication in original packaging, along with their doctor’s prescription. Prescriptions must be translated into Russian. Many commonly-prescribed medications are illegal in the Kyrgyz Republic, and visitors have been arrested and charged with illegal drug possession for traveling with prescription medications. Prior to their travel, visitors should check with the Ministry of Health’s register of medications to ensure that their medication is legal in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Although the U.S. Embassy cannot provide medical assistance or care to private citizens visiting the Kyrgyz Republic, there is a link to medical resources in Bishkek on the consular section of the Embassy’s website. No medical facilities in the Kyrgyz Republic take U.S.- issued insurance cards so be prepared to pay cash or, in some locations, with a credit card. You may be refused service at some hospitals if you cannot pay in cash in advance or at the time of service. Travelers requiring prescription medications or specific brand-name medicines should bring sufficient supplies with them and not rely on local availability.

Information on vaccinations and other health precautions, such as safe food and water precautions and insect bite protection, may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877-394-8747) or via the CDC’s internet site. For information about outbreaks of infectious diseases abroad consult the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website. Further health information for travelers is available at World Health Organization - Travel advice.

Local Time, Business Hours and Holidays

The Kyrgyz Republic is 10 or 11 hours ahead of EST, depending on the time of year. (The Kyrgyz Republic does not observe Daylight Savings Time.)  Business hours are normally 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Local holidays can be found on the Embassy’s website, but travelers are also advised to confirm dates with contacts in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Temporary Entry of Materials or Personal Belongings

As a rule, officials give temporary imports full conditional exemption from import duties and taxes. For goods to qualify as “temporary entry,” the importer must identify them so customs authorities can ensure that the ones presented for re-export are the same as those originally brought in. Products that cannot be identified under this definition (such as electricity), cannot be placed under the temporary import regime.