Jordan Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in jordan, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
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Jordan is a regional leader for the provision of medical services.  In 2020, nine percent of Jordan’s GDP was devoted to healthcare services, which is high compared to other countries. There are 122 hospitals, 70 of which are private.  The total number of hospital beds in both sectors, is 16057, with 51 percent of the beds in public hospitals.  Jordanians increasingly suffer from asthma, cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart stroke, vascular disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. Opportunities exist for technologies that prevent or treat these conditions as well as supplying equipment for new and existing medical facilities. The country is facing heavy demands on its resources due to a growing population, impact of COVID-19, and an influx of Syrian refugees, which by some counts has exceeded one million. Therefore, expanding the reach of Jordan’s healthcare services is a government priority.  Jordan receives significant international assistance, some of which is dedicated to the provision of healthcare services. 

The country is also a regional leader in medical tourism, with nationals from neighboring and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries seeking treatment in Jordan.  Patients from abroad are attracted by the limited wait times and availability of quality treatment at an affordable cost for treatments ranging from cardiac diseases and oncology to infertility and cosmetic surgery.  Prior to COVID-19, Jordan received as many as 250,000 foreign patients per year with over $1 billion in revenues annually, accounting for a significant percentage of the country’s tourism revenue.   According to the World Bank, Jordan is ranked first in the MENA region as a best healthcare service provider and a top destination for medical tourism. Physicians tend to be Western-educated and well regarded.

In 2019, the Ministry of Health prohibited the import of used and refurbished medical devices for all the health sectors.  Jordan requires USFDA, CE mark, or Japanese certification for all imported medical devices.

Leading Sub-Sectors

Hospital projects and private clinic investments will create demand for medical equipment used in the following areas:

  • Cardiology and cardiovascular surgery
  • Laparoendoscopic surgery
  • Kidney transplantation
  • Ophthalmology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Equipment and supplies for plastic surgery
  • Oncology
  • Consumables for Clinical laboratories (i.e. tubes/glasses)
  • Medical Surgical Sterilizers
  • Medical x-ray, Alpha, Beta, Gamma Ray Equipment
  • Orthopedic & Prosthetic Appliances

Aesthetic procedures and related products are currently a growth area in Jordan, creating demand for technologies related to:

  • E-Health
  • Healthcare management systems
  • Software modules for specific fields and applications (radiology, imaging, etc.)
  • Integrated medical insurance solutions
  • Customer relations management
  • Medical devices and equipment
  • Mobile healthcare applications
  • Online medical content providers


In 2020, Jordan’s healthcare expenditures were valued at $3.79 billion; pharmaceutical expenditures were valued at $941 million; and medical device expenditures were valued at $311 million (Source: BMI International). A strong medical tourism sector as well as projects to renovate existing and establish new medical facilities are key drivers behind expenditures in the sector.  Additionally, Jordan has a significant number of refugees requiring medical services, and the country has a two percent year-on-year population growth, with 69 percent of the population under 30, and 37 percent under the age of 15, also contributing future demand.  Accordingly, U.S. companies have excellent opportunities to sell products and services to the health care sector in Jordan.

The government plans to expand the “e-health initiative system” piloted in 2011 to public hospitals, including the storage, retrieval and updating of electronic patient health records managed by healthcare facilities.  U.S. suppliers of e-health solutions may find opportunities to respond to procurement announcements.  Additionally, a major hospital project in Amman and expansion of the King Hussein Cancer Center – Aqaba Branch, will present opportunities in the sector.

The annual Arab Health trade exhibition takes place in Dubai and provides a valuable opportunity to engage with Jordanian buyers of medical technologies. 


  • Jordan Medical Council
  • Higher Health Council
  • Jordan Private Hospitals Association
  • Jordanian Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
  • Jordan FDA
  • Ministry of Health

For additional information, please contact U.S Commercial Service - Jordan at