Jordan - Country Commercial Guide
Last published date:

Jordan is one of the more advanced countries in the region in this field.  The country has an Internet penetration rate around 88 percent and high-speed broadband is widely available, in addition to having multiple internet service providers (ISPs).  E-commerce facilities have been developed by various service providers.

Recently, the Jordanian Customs Department issued a new amendment introducing new tariffs to clearance of online orders for personal use.  Shipments under 200 Jordanian Dinars will be subject to customs fees with an amount of 10 percent of the shipment value with a minimum of 5 Jordanian Dinars.  Moreover, anyone buying from an online store should have their national number for Jordanians and residency number for non-Jordanians on their shipment to be processed by the Jordanian Customs Department. Legislation that allows for and regulates electronic signatures is still needed.