USG Resources Partners and Customers
Identifying Partners and Customers for Exporters
U.S. Department of Commerce
- International Partner Search - The International Trade Administration’s (ITA’s) International Partner Search service provides U.S. businesses with a list of partners and/or distributors that have expressed interest in the company’s goods or services. The service includes identification and outreach to potential matching firms, preparing a profile of interested firms, and providing a report with the profile and contact information of interested firms.
- Gold Key Service - ITA’s Gold Key Service provides U.S. companies with matchmaking appointments with up to five interested partners in a foreign market. The full service includes identification and outreach to potential matching firms, sending clients’ information to identified matching firms, preparing a profile of interested firms, attending the appointments, and providing a report with the profile and contact information for interested firms.
- International Company Profile - ITA’s International Company Profile service provides in-depth or basic background check information on a specific foreign company to help determine its suitability as a potential business partner.
- Single Company Promotion - ITA’s Single Company Promotion service provides a U.S. firm or locality with a promotional event (such as a technical seminar, press conference, luncheon, dinner, cocktail reception, etc.) to help increase awareness of their locality or existing/new products/services in a specific market, including organizing the event logistics/venue; conducting a targeted direct mail or e-mail campaigns; managing the promotional campaign and event-related logistics; providing logistical and promotional support on-site during the event, and providing a post-event debriefing to discuss next steps.
- Website Globalization Review (WGR) Gap Analysis - ITA’s WGR Gap Analysis service provides technical and strategic assessment of a business’s eCommerce sales channel efforts. This is an SEO diagnostic service designed to help you acquire more international consumers online.
- Certified Trade Missions (CTMs) - U.S. Department of Commerce CTMs are overseas events planned, organized, recruited, and led by private and public sector export-oriented groups outside of the U.S. Department of Commerce. CTMs are hosted by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s overseas Commercial Service offices. CTMs bring representatives of U.S. companies into contact with potential agents, distributors, joint venture partners, licensees, local businesses, and government contacts.
- Trade Missions – Trade Missions are led by U.S. Department of Commerce industry experts and designed for U.S. businesses who will travel to target countries. Each year, numerous U.S. companies participate in U.S. Department of Commerce-organized trade missions.
- Meet Buyers at Events - Whether at a U.S. or foreign trade show or on a foreign trade mission, trade events are a cost-effective way to meet foreign buyers.
- Trade Event Services - ITA offers Trade Event Services at a range of price points to trade shows in all industries and held in the U.S., abroad, or virtually. Trade Event Services can be purchased through a variety of customizable participation options – The Trade Event Partnership Program (TEPP), The Virtual Trade Event Partnership Program (VTEPP), the Trade Event Menu of Services (TEMS), or the Virtual Trade Event Menu of Services (VTEMS).
U.S. Department of Energy
- Lab Partnering Service (LPS) - The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) LPS provides investors and other parties looking to advance energy innovation with a single location to connect with leading DOE national laboratory technical experts to quickly answer innovation questions, as well as discover opportunities for building partnerships.
Export-Import Bank of the United States
- Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) - EXIM identifies partners and customers in a number of different ways, including domestic outreach by attending events, trade shows, webinars, etc. to increase awareness of our products and maintain established long-standing partnerships with organizations that have a trade focus and are dedicated to working with the Agency to educate and raise awareness about opportunities for exporters and with insurance brokers and lenders, who may serve as the primary contact for our joint customers. EXIM stands ready to assist businesses in finding the right resources to help them export, even if it is not with EXIM, and encourages businesses interested in learning more about exporting in general or our products to contact the Agency.
U.S. Trade & Development Agency
- U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) - USTDA connects overseas project sponsors with U.S. partners through its reverse trade missions, industry conferences and expert workshops.
- Making Global Local Initiative (MGL) - MGL is USTDA’s domestic outreach program for informing, convening, and engaging public and private sector stakeholders in federal, state, and local government, export trade promotion agencies, trade industry cohorts, and NGOs such as chambers of commerce, small business associations, and U.S. small and medium business enterprises. The mission of the MGL Initiative is to streamline USTDA’s ability to share and support new global opportunities at the local level, giving the program a two-way capability to reach an alliance of partners. More than 90 partners across 35 states comprise the MGL network and participate in a full range of USTDA’s export-promotion programs, including reverse trade missions, business briefings, and overseas workshops.

The Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) is hosting this list of U.S. government export and competitiveness assistance programs and services.