Renewable Energy Icons
Clean EDGE Trade Mission to India
ITA is organizing a Clean EDGE (Enhancing Development and Growth through Clean Energy) and Environmental Technologies Business Development Mission to India, March 4-8, 2024, and an optional stop on March 11, 2024.

USDOC Global Partnership Program at Smart Energy Week

USCS SPI 2021 Global Partnership Program

The U.S. Department of Commerce Global Partnership Program at SPI, ESI, and Smart Energy Week

The U.S. Commercial Service (USCS), the export promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration (ITA) is partnering with SPI, ESI, and Smart Energy Week (SEW) to offer this program for a sixth year in a row.

In 2021, the USCS Global Partnership Program (formerly the IBP), will continue to help U.S. companies by recruiting overseas buyers interested in meeting with U.S. equipment and service exporters at SEW and virtually. This is a great opportunity to build partnerships and increase export sales. The Global Partnership Program offers one-on-one business-to-business (B2B) matchmaking, one-on-one business-to-government (B2G) counseling, and industry-specific international seminars. As an exhibitor, in-person or virtual attendee of Smart Energy Week, these free programs are available to you from the U.S. Commercial Service!

Business-to-Government (B2G) International Market Consulting

Meet with U.S. Commercial Service Energy Specialists from 33 countries:

Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Honduras, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and Uruguay.

USCS will provide U.S. exhibitors and attendees the following, customized for each company:

  • Briefing on potential market opportunities and sales prospects for your product or service
  • Connection point to other networking and foreign buyer opportunities
  • In-country business trend analysis, best prospects and market intelligence
  • A follow-up plan to pursue new or additional partners in the market using the program’s global network.

Additional U.S. Government Export Experts available to meet from: The Advocacy Center, Export-Import Bank (EXIM), U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), U.S. Trade Development Agency (USTDA), SelectUSA, and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-Power Africa.

Business-to-Business (B2B) Matchmaking

USCS invites you to virtually meet with pre-screened foreign buyers, distributors, representatives, foreign corporations, and energy specialists from many of the 33 countries noted above including Albania, Italy, Maldives, and Sri Lanka. These contacts are seeking introductions with U.S. suppliers at Smart Energy Week.

International buyers, overseas government/procurement officials, and industry multipliers are being recruited by our U.S. Commercial Service colleagues at the U.S. embassies & consulates. U.S. companies can connect with these buyers before the show, with this exclusive business-to-business matchmaking program. 

More Information on B2G and B2B:

All B2G and B2B one-on-one meetings will be virtual on MyBusinessMatches platform. One-on-one meetings will be held September 8-15, 2021 and allow for flexible scheduling before the Smart Energy Week exhibitions begin.

The meeting schedule is below.

Deadline to register for B2B and B2G has been extended to Tuesday September 14, 2021


Still have questions? Please contact

Virtual Seminars
Pre-recorded seminars showcase upcoming projects and needs of recruited international buyers. Free to those registered for the Global Partnership Programs. 

Seminar Topics

  • Foreign Investment in Solar Manufacturing in the United States
  • Brazil: A Booming Solar Power Market
  • Solar Market Outlook and Opportunities for India
  • South Africa: Trends in Solar + Storage
  • Mini-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Philippines and Indonesia: Energy Storage Opportunities

If you have any questions please contact

Participant Information

As a recruited international delegate, we invite you to join our platform to meet U.S. suppliers.

How do I register?
1.    Register for the Global Partnership Program on MyBusinessMatches (MbM) platform here:
2.    Within 3 business days, you’ll receive a confirmation email to begin scheduling one-on-one Business to Business (B2B) meetings with U.S. companies on the MbM platform.

Smart Energy Week exhibitors and attendees can take advantage of the show’s complimentary Global Partnership Program which includes Business to Government (B2G) consultations with diplomats and other U.S. Government resources to help with international export strategies and Business to Business (B2B) matchmaking with vetted, recruited international buyers, and market insights through virtual seminars all on one platform. 

To be eligible for this program, the U.S. company’s products or service must be at least 51% U.S. content.

How do I register?

  1. Make sure you are registered to attend Smart Energy Week 2021 in-person or digitally.
  2. Register for the Global Partnership Program on MyBusinessMatches (MbM) platform here:
  3. Within 3 business days, you’ll receive a confirmation email to begin scheduling one-on-one B2B and B2G meetings with International Buyers and Trade Experts.