Raleigh Contact Us
U.S. Commercial Service North Carolina
Please follow our combined social media on LinkedIn.
For industries not listed below, please contact Director Greg.Sizemore@trade.gov.
Emily Gereffi
Senior International Trade Specialist
Office: +1 (336) 333-5346
Industries: Agribusiness, Consumer Goods, Design and Construction, Equipment and Machinery, Industrial Materials, Media and Entertainment
Frances Selema
Global Environmental Technologies Team Leader
Mobile: +1 (919) 695-6366
Industries: Energy, Environmental Technology
Greg Sizemore
Director, North Carolina U.S. Export Assistance Centers:
Charlotte, Greensboro, and Raleigh
Office: +1 (704) 333-0471 Mobile: +1 (704) 564-1727
Industries: Consumer Goods, Distribution and Logistics, Energy, Financial Services
Juanita Harthun
Global Automotive and Smart Mobility Team Leader
Mobile: +1 (704) 564-3592
Industries: Automotive, Transportation and Mobility, Smart Mobility
Crystal Mills
Senior International Trade Specialist
Office: +1 (704) 333-0314
Industries: Chemicals, Food and Beverage, Franchising, Healthcare, Information and Communications Technologies
Stephanie Bethel
Senior International Trade Specialist
Office: +1 (336) 333-5345
Industries: Aerospace and Defense, Apparel, Education, Safety and Security, Sporting Goods, Textiles
Industry | Contact |
Aerospace and Defense | Stephanie.Bethel@trade.gov |
Agribusiness and Agriculture Machinery | Emily.Gereffi@trade.gov |
Automotive and Smart Mobility | Juanita.Harthun@trade.gov |
Chemicals | Crystal.Mills@trade.gov |
Consumer Goods | Greg.Sizemore@trade.gov |
Design and Construction | Emily.Gereffi@trade.gov |
Distribution and Logistics | Greg.Sizemore@trade.gov |
Education | Stephanie.Bethel@trade.gov |
Energy | Greg.Sizemore@trade.gov |
Environmental Technologies | Frances.Selema@trade.gov |
Equipment & Machinery | Emily.Gereffi@trade.gov |
Financial Services | Greg.Sizemore@trade.gov |
Food & Beverage | Crystal.Mills@trade.gov |
Franchising | Crystal.Mills@trade.gov |
Furniture | Emily.Gereffi@trade.gov |
Healthcare | Crystal.Mills@trade.gov |
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | Crystal.Mills@trade.gov |
Industrial Materials | Emily.Gereffi@trade.gov |
Marine Technology | Emily.Gereffi@trade.gov |
Emily.Gereffi@trade.gov | Emily.Gereffi@trade.gov |
Safety and Security | Stephanie.Bethel@trade.gov |
Textile, Apparel & Sport Goods | Stephanie.Bethel@trade.gov |