Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Korea Cross Border E-commerce Market

The cross border e-commerce market in Korea has increased from $2billion in 2017 to $4.5 billion in 2022, resulting in a 23 % of average annual growth rate.

Consumer Goods South Korea Transport and Logistics
Market Intelligence
Ghana Shipping and Logistics

Ghana’s digital readiness is helping it become an attractive hub for the commercial logistics sector for the African continent. 

Express Delivery Services Ghana
Market Intelligence
AFCFTA - Concrete Opportunities for U.S. Companies

Explore the emerging commercial opportunities created by Africa’s regional integration.  

Distribution and Logistics Africa Trade Policy and Agreements
Market Intelligence
Nigeria's Cold Chain Industry

The Nigerian cold chain industry abounds with trade and investment opportunities for U.S. companies.

Distribution and Logistics Nigeria
Market Intelligence
Ghana Keta Port Project

Ghana plans construction of a third commercial port in anticipation of increased African continental trade. 

Distribution and Logistics Ghana
Market Intelligence
Hungary Cargo Development Trends

Budapest Cargo City hit a record freight transport in 2021, the strongest year yet for the international airport.

Distribution and Logistics Hungary Transport and Logistics
Market Intelligence
China Urban Rail Transit Market

The urban rail transit market in China is experiencing significant growth. 

Rail Transportation China
Market Intelligence
Uruguay Capurro Fishing Port Concession

This project is for the concession of a fishing port terminal in the Port of Montevideo. 

Food Processing Equipment Uruguay Sea Transport
Market Intelligence
Singapore Mega Port Shipping Hub of ASEAN

Singapore’s Mega Port is positioned as a Global Transshipment Hub among ASEAN countries. 

Maritime Transportation Singapore
Market Intelligence
Chile Railroad Infrastructure

A $5 billion railway investment plan will modernize Chile’s railway infrastructure between 2021 and 2027.

Railroad Equipment Chile
Market Intelligence
Uruguay Expansion at Montevideo Port

The Government of Uruguay extended the concession of Montevideo’s port container terminal to the Belgium company Katoen Natie, until the year 2080.

Construction Equipment and Machinery South America Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Mexico Updates Importation Paperwork

Mexico updates requirements for The Value Declaration, importation paperwork to successfully import goods into Mexico. 

Export Management Mexico Import Regulations
Market Intelligence
Hungary Logistics Facilities

Economic recovery in Hungary is expected to add cyclical demand to the second half of 2021 in eCommerce, driving demand for logistics facilities. 

Intelligent Transportation Systems Hungary
Market Intelligence
India Roads and Highways

India’s 2021-2022 budget allocated billions for infrastructure and billions to state & autonomous bodies for capital expenditures. 

Design and Construction India Exports
Market Intelligence
Egypt Port Infrastructure

U.S. logistics management companies may look into providing management services to Egypt’s ports.

Maritime Transportation Egypt