Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the eCommerce Industry market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
Hong Kong Ecommerce Retail

U.S. exporters have a promising opportunity in the e-commerce market in Hong Kong.

eCommerce Industry Hong Kong
Market Intelligence
West Bank's Palestinian Tech Sector

The Palestinian Tech Sector in the West Bank 

Information and Communication Technology West Bank and Gaza
Market Intelligence
Taiwan eCommerce

Taiwan’s e-Commerce sales have dramatically increased during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, registering a record high of $9.8 billion in 2022. 

Consumer Goods Southeast Asia Business Management
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Digital Economy Commercial Dialogue and Growth Opportunities

U.S. and Tanzania Sign a Commercial Dialogue Memorandum of Cooperation

eCommerce Industry Tanzania Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
Brazil ICT Digital Transformation

Business opportunities in Brazil’s digital economy abound as consumer behavior evolves. 

eCommerce Industry Brazil
Market Intelligence
Qatar Payment Solutions in 2023

Qatar has been making significant investments in its financial services sector including banking, fintech, and asset management

Banking Qatar Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Canada E-Commerce

The growth of e-commerce in recent years, creates an attractive option for Canadian consumers and U.S. exporters.

eCommerce Industry Canada
Market Intelligence
Canada Social Commerce

Increase in Canadian e-commerce through social media sites signals opportunities for U.S. retailers.

eCommerce Industry Canada
Market Intelligence
Slovakia Information Technology eCommerce

E-commerce revenue is expected to show a compound annual growth rate of 9.3%, resulting in a projected market volume of USD 3,297.3 million by 2027.

eCommerce Industry Slovakia
Market Intelligence
ICT Opportunity - Panama's eCommerce leading in Latin America

Panama leads Latin America’s eCommerce activities and continues to grow. 

eCommerce Industry Panama
Market Intelligence
eCommerce is Growing in Israel

eCommerce has been steadily growing in Israel over the past few years, with more and more consumers turning to online shopping as their preferred method.

eCommerce Industry Israel
Market Intelligence
Ethiopia E-Procurement Platform Provides Easy Access to Public Tenders

Ethiopia E-Procurement For Transparency Throughout the Process

eCommerce Industry Ethiopia Trade Practices
Market Intelligence
Japan B2C eCommerce

B2C eCommerce spending in Japan remains strong in 2023 after a few years of growth, providing opportunities for U.S. consumer goods exporters.

Consumer Goods Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Ghana Digital Services Taxes

Ghana revises its Value Added Tax (VAT) and other charges on non-resident digital services to remove minimum thresholds and increase VAT rate.

eCommerce Industry Sub-Saharan Africa Import Regulations
Market Intelligence
Ghana eCommerce and Delivery Services

Ghana issues new registration requirements for eCommerce, logistics, and other digital business entities. 

Express Delivery Services Ghana Laws and Regulations