Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
China Some Fire Safety Products

Chinese authorities remove 13 fire-safety products from the CCC Catalog.


Equipment and Machinery China Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
China CNCA Adjusts in October 2019

CNCA removes 18 products from CCC Compulsory Product Certification Catalog. 

Machinery and Tools China Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
China CNCA Adjusts CCC Catalog

CNCA revises and adds two new product categories to CCC Compulsory Product Certification Catalog.

Equipment and Machinery China Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
China Changes Certification - Certain Products

Chinese authorities add explosion prevention apparatus, household gas appliances, and refrigerators with volume of 500L to CCC catalog.

Equipment and Machinery China Trade Development
Market Intelligence
UAE Adopts 3D Printing in Aerospace Activities

U.S. companies with 3D printing capabilities that cater to aircraft parts could have an advantage in the UAE market.


3D Printing United Arab Emirates Trade Development
Market Intelligence
UAE 3D Printing Opportunities in Construction

The UAE holds opportunity for competitive U.S. construction products, services and technology companies, particularly, in the area of 3D printing. 

3D Printing United Arab Emirates Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Plastics Industry

Total demand in Australia for plastics and articles of plastics under HS Chapter 39 is estimated at US$6.2 billion. Imports satisfy 70 percent of the Australian market. The most common method of market entry is to appoint a local Australian stocking distributor.

Plastics Production Machinery Australia Export Potential