Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
EU Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation Proposal (AFIR)

The European Union is now finalizing the regulation on the deployment of alternative fuel infrastructure which will support all modes of transport in Europe.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations EU Export Regulations
Market Intelligence
EU Portable Electronic Devices Change Requirements

In June 2022, the European Union passed a law mandating a single common charger for all electronic devices.

Electronics EU Laws and Regulations
Market Intelligence
Hungary and EU Oil Perspective

Can Russia simply sell more oil to Asia, as oil is more replaceable than gas?

Oil and Gas Hungary Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Hungary and EU Gas Infrastructure

Can Russia reroute its gas exports to Asia, rather than to Europe?

Electricity Infrastructure Hungary International Cooperation
Market Intelligence
Hungary Regulatory Framework for Hydrogen

The European Commission will continue to improve the regulatory framework to assist development of energy infrastructure.

Electricity Infrastructure EU Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Hungary and EU Diversifying Gas Supplies

Imports of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) and pipelines, increased Biomethane output in the EU, accelerator for Hydrogen. 

Oil and Gas Hungary Standardization
Market Intelligence
Hungary and EU Common Energy Policy

Dramatic shift in security position resulting in changes to energy markets.

Energy Hungary Standardization
Market Intelligence
Hungary Diabetes Pumps

In Hungary, there are an estimated 45,000 type 1 diabetes patients (according to the National Health Insurance Fund database).

Medical Devices Hungary Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
European Union Circular Economy Transition: Full Speed Ahead

New rules will affect several different sectors. It is a crucial time for U.S. businesses to engage with the EU on circular economy. 

Consumer Electronics EU Technical Regulations
Market Intelligence
European Union’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

The EU has a New Vision for Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) Chemicals.

Chemicals EU Technical Regulations
Market Intelligence
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Companies doing business in the European Union are obligated to comply with the GDPR. 

eCommerce Industry EU Import Regulations
Market Intelligence
Sweden eHealth Market

Overview of the Swedish eHealth market’s structure and opportunities. 

Health Information Technology Europe Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Sweden Advanced Manufacturing

Opportunities in the Swedish advanced and smart manufacturing smart, resulting in sustainable and resource-effective production.

Equipment and Machinery Europe Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Sweden Smart Built Environment

Sweden’s built environment market, design and construction, energy-efficient buildings, and distributed energy technologies may be attractive to U.S. firms. 

Design and Construction Europe Exports
Market Intelligence
France Professional Civil-Use Drones

The French market for professional civilian-use drones shows excellent but partially unrealized promise.

Aviation Europe Trade Development