Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the United Arab Emirates market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
UAE Petrochemicals and Derivatives

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company is inviting U.S. petrochemicals and derivatives manufacturers to participate in the development of the Ruwais Derivatives Park.

Oil and Gas United Arab Emirates Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Space Sector

The UAE’s ambitious Space Program creates numerous export opportunities for U.S. companies to partner with the UAE government and Emirati private sector. 

Space United Arab Emirates International Cooperation
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Oil & Gas Market

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) will raise crude production capacity to 5 million barrel per day (bpd) by 2030.

Oil and Gas United Arab Emirates Business to Government
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Health IT

The United Arab Emirates is investing in Health IT products and services for electronic medical records (EMR), telemedicine, smart health & apps to improve efficiencies and improve patient health and safety. 

Healthcare United Arab Emirates Information Management
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Data Privacy

U.S. businesses in the data privacy field may provide valuable best practices to UAE regulators who are currently developing a new Federal Data Protection Law.  

Information and Communication Technology Middle East Trade Policy and Agreements
Market Intelligence
UAE Oil and Gas Market Opportunity

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) is pressing ahead to raise crude production capacity to 5 million barrel per day (bpd) by 2030.  ADNOC stated that they are on track to increase supply to over 4 million bpd by the beginning of April 2020.

Oil and Gas United Arab Emirates Trade Development
Market Intelligence
UAE Adopts 3D Printing in Aerospace Activities

U.S. companies with 3D printing capabilities that cater to aircraft parts could have an advantage in the UAE market.


3D Printing United Arab Emirates Trade Development
Market Intelligence
UAE New Data Privacy Law

The UAE Government is currently developing its new Federal Data Protection Law.  This is a unique opportunity for the country to build a framework for data privacy law that fosters an innovative business environment.  A unique opportunity exists for U.S. businesses to provide  best practices to the UAE regulators.

Information and Communication Technology United Arab Emirates Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
UAE 3D Printing Opportunities in Construction

The UAE holds opportunity for competitive U.S. construction products, services and technology companies, particularly, in the area of 3D printing. 

3D Printing United Arab Emirates Trade Development
Market Intelligence
UAE Health IT Opportunity

U.S. healthcare companies should consider attending the region’s largest annual healthcare trade show, Arab Health, which is currently scheduled for February 1 – 4, 2021 in Dubai.

Healthcare United Arab Emirates Trade Development
Market Intelligence
UAE Defense Sector Opportunities

UAE defense sector spending increased by 38 percent in 2019 and is expected to remain strong in 2020, offering opportunities for U.S. companies, provided offset obligations are met.  A company incurs offset obligations if the value of the supply contract is equal to or more than $10 million, and if the value is less than $10 million, but the company already has active offset obligations.  


Aerospace and Defense United Arab Emirates Economic Development and Investment