Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Argentina market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
Argentina: Cybersecurity Solutions

There is growing awareness of the importance of cybersecurity across Argentina.

Cybersecurity Argentina
Market Intelligence
Argentina: Agricultural Equipment & Technology

U.S. agricultural equipment and technology hold great potential in Argentina.

Agribusiness Argentina
Market Intelligence
Argentina Airport Infrastructure

Argentina is modernizing airports throughout the country and expanding Aeroparque Jorge Newbery in Buenos Aires.

Airport and Ground Support Equipment Argentina
Market Intelligence
Argentina: Oil and Gas Landscape

U.S. companies that provide solutions to increase efficiency, lower costs, and promote better environmental protections may find opportunities in energy sector.

Oil and Gas Argentina
Market Intelligence
Argentina Restrictions on Imports

The Central Bank tightened capital controls to preserve foreign reserves by limiting importers’ access to hard currency to pay for imports. 

Industries Argentina
Market Intelligence
Argentina: New Nutritional Labeling Requirements

The Argentine Government introduces a new nutritional labeling requirement.

Food and Beverage Argentina
Market Intelligence
Argentina Sanitary Emergency Status

Argentina has extended its emergency healthcare measures to combat the pandemic until the end of 2022.

Healthcare Argentina
Market Intelligence
Argentina Extension of Consumer Goods Price Controls

Argentina has extended price controls on over 1,300 consumer products until January 2023.

Consumer Goods Argentina
Market Intelligence
Argentina Renewable Energy

U.S. clean technology exporters in the bioenergy sector should consider monitoring this unique business opportunity in Argentina.

Renewable Energy Argentina