Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Israel Travel and Tourism Industry

The United States is the number one long-distance destination for Israeli travelers.

Travel and Tourism Israel
Market Intelligence
Taiwanese Travelers Eager to Return to the United States

The United States remains the #1 long-haul destination for Taiwan’s outbound travelers.

Travel and Tourism Taiwan
Market Intelligence
New Market Openings for Intra-African Trade

African countries work to open five key services sectors to one another in the AfCFTA. 

Financial Services Africa Trade Policy and Agreements
Market Intelligence
Ghana Tourism Sector

Niche tourism attractions will drive Ghanaian tourism’s recovery from the Covid pandemic. 

Tourist Attractions Ghana
Market Intelligence

U.S. tourism destinations interested in promoting their attractions and engaging Chinese tourists should consider “Cloud Tourism.” 

Travel and Tourism China Exports
Market Intelligence
Singapore International Travel

International Travel Restarts in Singapore with Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTL).

Travel and Tourism Singapore
Market Intelligence
Vietnam: Outlook for U.S. Travel & Tourism

Despite the being severely affected by the pandemic, the U.S. travel & tourism industry has shown signs of recovery with regards to the Vietnamese market.

Travel and Tourism Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Entertainment Sector

Saudi Arabia’s entertainment sector regulator General Entertainment Authority(GEA) outlined the new industries and criteria required for entertainment licenses.

Travel and Tourism Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
India: Travel and Tourism

A review of the market for Travel and Tourism from India to the United States from 2019 to 2021, and a look ahead on recovery from the pandemic. 

Travel and Tourism India
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Travel and Tourism Industry

U.S. Flight Carriers increase operations in Guatemala after the pandemic.

Passenger Transportation Services Guatemala
Market Intelligence
Spain Travel & Tourism

What do Spanish tourists expect when borders to the U.S. are reopened for travel and tourism?

Travel and Tourism Spain
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom International Travel Review Underway

The UK government announces it will release international travel reopening plans in mid April.

Travel and Tourism United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Poland Visa Waiver

Polish business and tourist travelers to the United States increased after Poland’s designation in the Visa Waiver Program in November 2019.

Travel and Tourism Poland Air Transport
Market Intelligence
Sweden Travel and Tourism

The U.S. Travel Association estimates that spending by international travelers to/in the United States reached $255 billion and directly supported 1.2 million American jobs in 2019.

Travel and Tourism Sweden Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Poland Visa Waver Impacts

The number of Polish temporary business and tourism travelers admitted to the United States increased since Poland’s designation in the visa waiver program. 

Travel and Tourism Europe Air Transport