Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Seeks Biosensing Solutions

The UK MOD’s Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is seeking proposals for innovative technologies that provide an improved way to rapidly detect and locate hazardous biological agents in the field for the benefit of defense and security operations. 

Defense Equipment United Kingdom Business to Government
Market Intelligence

Saudi defense procurement process benefits U.S. firms that are able to offer a “win-win” proposals that satisfies various Saudi constituencies in the government, Shura Council, and the private sector. 

Defense Equipment Saudi Arabia Market Access
Market Intelligence
Korea Drone regulation reform

Korean standards on drone delivery and infrastructure to support a safe environment will be established by 2023 and actual delivery operation will start in 2025.

Aerospace and Defense South Korea Business News
Market Intelligence
Philippines Defense Sector Procurement

The Philippine military modernization program provides opportunities for U.S. companies to supply solutions and technologies for the country’s territorial defense strategies. 

Aerospace and Defense Philippines
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Seeks Novel Technology

The UK’s Ministry of Defense (MOD) is launching a competition to rapidly develop novel technology and techniques to boost the UK’s life-saving counter homemade bomb capability. 

Defense Equipment Europe
Market Intelligence
India Seaplanes Market

Government of India is putting together policies and infrastructure to enable seaplane operations in India.  Leading  aviation companies are exploring opportunities to import seaplanes to operate in this small but growing aviation sector.

Aviation India Export Potential
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Behavioral Analytics Competition

The UK MOD is seeking proposals that can help UK defense and security to develop capability in ‘Behavioral Analytics’. $2.5M is currently available to fund to fund proposals to further increase the maturity of innovations in ‘Behavioral Analytics’. 

Aerospace and Defense United Kingdom Information Technology
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Technology

The UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) is exploring the utility of telexistence capabilities which is defined by MOD as a system which allows a human user to operate in an environment without physically being there. 

Computer Hardware United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Funding Priorities

The UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) has funding available for industry and academia to help tackle the Defense Innovation Priorities. 

Defense Equipment Europe
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Remote Sensing Satellite

Satellite sensing capabilities integrated with geographical information systems are needed in Indonesia. 

Space Indonesia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Market

International Space Pitch Day is a joint U.S. - UK initiative to find, fund and fast-track innovation and technology that gives advantage to military operations in the space domain. 

Defense Equipment United Kingdom Weights and Measures
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom protection against IEDs

The UK is looking for novel technologies and techniques that can rapidly be developed to deliver life-saving protection against Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). 

Defense Equipment Europe Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Drone Technology

The UK is seeking proposals that can develop the technology needed to counter Unmanned Air Systems and demonstrate how these can be integrated together to form a capable system. The total funding available for companies with novel technology to develop is approximately $1.9m. 

Aerospace and Defense Europe
Market Intelligence
Poland Military Modernization Plan

Poland’s military is undergoing changes designed to transform it into a more capable, mobile, and NATO-compatible force.


Defense Equipment Poland Business to Government
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Aviation

U.S. companies will find significant opportunities in Vietnam’s aviation sector. 

Aerospace and Defense Vietnam Transport and Logistics