Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Brazil Open Banking

The Brazilian Central Bank released guidelines to guide the regulation of open banking in Brazil, scheduled to be put into practice starting in the second half of 2020. 

Banking Brazil Finance
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Data Privacy

U.S. businesses in the data privacy field may provide valuable best practices to UAE regulators who are currently developing a new Federal Data Protection Law.  

Information and Communication Technology Middle East Trade Policy and Agreements
Market Intelligence
Philippines Smart City Market

U.S. firms interested in offering smart city solutions can find eager customers in the public and private sectors. To pursue opportunities in the Philippines, U.S. firms need to have a local presence.

Information and Communication Technology Philippines Market Access
Market Intelligence
Poland Robotics

Robotics engineering is a growing market sector in Poland. 

Electronics Poland Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
UAE New Data Privacy Law

The UAE Government is currently developing its new Federal Data Protection Law.  This is a unique opportunity for the country to build a framework for data privacy law that fosters an innovative business environment.  A unique opportunity exists for U.S. businesses to provide  best practices to the UAE regulators.

Information and Communication Technology United Arab Emirates Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
UAE Health IT Opportunity

U.S. healthcare companies should consider attending the region’s largest annual healthcare trade show, Arab Health, which is currently scheduled for February 1 – 4, 2021 in Dubai.

Healthcare United Arab Emirates Trade Development