United arab emirates Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in united arab emirates, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Labeling/Marking Requirements
Last published date:

Labeling requirements in the UAE apply to all regulated products. Specific labeling requirements are stated in relevant regulation and/or the standards. Highlights include:

  • Warning labels on toys are required to be in Arabic or in Arabic and English.
  • Cigarette packages require a special health warning in Arabic.
  • Labeling requirements for energy efficiency for air conditioning units and appliances.
  • Food labeling requirements.

Please be sure to check the latest regulations and updates directly from the relevant authorities.

Labeling regulations apply to all products shipped in bulk and retail-sized packaging. To avoid shipment rejection, it is important U.S. exporters comply with UAE label requirements and verify that all information mentioned on the product label is accurate and legible. Companies are strongly encouraged to review the regulations related to their specific commodity and clarify any questions prior to exporting.

Food labeling is of particular importance in the UAE when it comes to product labeling. For more details and the lastest information about food labeling please contact our office and we can connect you with the U.S. Foreign Agricultural Service team in the UAE.

Labels must be in Arabic only or Arabic/English. Arabic stickers are accepted. The production and expiry dates must be printed on the original manufactured installed label. All stickers must be approved by UAE authorities prior to use and should be included during the label assessment process. Stickering on imported items must be performed prior to export and cannot be completed upon entry. Companies should consider cultural norms and values when designing and developing product packaging. The minimum information requirements for the Arabic label or sticker are:

  • Product name.
  • Food ingredients.
  • Country of origin.
  • Storage conditions (if applicable).
  • Instructions for use (if applicable).
  • Nutritional information (if applicable).

Only a single set of expiration dates is permitted and must be printed in the following order:

  • Day/month/year, for products with a shelf life of three (3) months or less.
  • Day/month/year or month/year for products with a shelf life longer than three (3) months. Under the month/year format, the last day of the month is considered the expiry date. The month may be printed in numbers or letters.

Animal fats and ingredients should be sourced from animals that are Halal slaughtered. The use of pork fat, as with all pork related products as ingredients, is prohibited unless the products are retailed with all pork and non-Muslim products in designated restricted sections of the retail stores. These sections are clearly marked for non-Muslims. Labels for pork and pork containing products must comply with the general labeling requirements and must clearly state that the product contains pork. If the product is halal (halal logo is printed on the label), the supplier/importer needs to provide a halal certificate from one of the accredited halal certifiers in the U.S. that are approved by UAE authorities. The list of approved halal certifiers and the scope of work of each certifier can be obtained from the Emirates Standardization and Metrology Agency (ESMA).

For pet foods, labels must be printed in Arabic. Arabic/English labels are permitted, as is the use of stickers. The pet food label must contain the statement “Not fit for human consumption.” Production/expiry dates are required for pet foods.

If the product is claimed as organic and an organic logo is included in the label, a certificate must be provided from an accredited body supporting this claim. The United States Department of Agriculture organic logo (USDA Organic) and certificate is accepted by UAE authorities. If the product is organic but not claimed on the packaging, the importer is not required to submit any certificate or attestation. If “GMO Free” is claimed on the product’s label, the supplier must provide a GMO- free certificate from a competent authority issued at the country of origin to verify the claim.

To ensure that the exported U.S. products comply with local food regulations/standards UAE health authorities require advance label approval and product registration. To facilitate product entry, U.S. suppliers are strongly encouraged to obtain advance label approval through their local importers, particularly for new to market goods. This label clearance/approval can be obtained through the Dubai Municipality website (https://www.dm.gov.ae/).

The U.S. Embassy Office of Agricultural Affairs (OAA) publishes the Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards (FAIRS) report for doing business in the GCC-4 (Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and UAE). The report covers topics such as food laws, labeling requirements, shelf-life, food additives regulations, packaging and import procedures, and prohibited food imports.
