United arab emirates Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in united arab emirates, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Prohibited & Restricted Imports
Last published date:

Please see UAE official websites for authoritative, up-to-date information:


Certain goods cannot be imported, exported, transited, or require permits from the competent authority. The restrictions and prohibitions of goods are determined in accordance with GCC Customs Tariff Codes. The classified goods under those customs tariff codes will require a permit while submitting the online Customs Declarations. The UAE has a stringent policy in dealing with the import of banned items.

Relevant authorities and the goods categories they oversee are listed below (Dubai customs):


Goods Categories

Ministry of Climate Change & Environment

Live animals, plants, fertilizers and insecticides

Ministry of Defense / Armed Forces / Ministry of Interior

Ministry of Defense / Armed Forces / Ministry of Interior Arms, ammunitions, explosives, and fireworks

Ministry of Health & Prevention

Pharmaceutical products and Medical/ Surgical instruments and machines

National Media Council

Print materials, publications, and media products

Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation

Nuclear energy-related products

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology

New tires

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

Transmitters and radio equipment

Dubai Police

Alcoholic beverages

Dubai Municipality

Foodstuffs, personal care and cosmetic products

UAE Kimberley Process office

Rough diamonds