Sweden Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in sweden, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
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Sweden is one of the most well-connected countries in the world, with over 98 percent of the population having access to internet.  With the growing number of connected devices, remote access and online activity, reported instances of cybercrime are on the rise.  Already in 2019, ransomware attacks were increasing and have since grown by 144 percent and moved towards Triple Extortion, with attackers demanding payments not only from the company but also their supply chain and clients.  According to Sophos Sweden’s annual cyberattack report, Swedes are getting better at protecting their systems against ransomware attacks and making sure their cyber insurance is sufficient, but Sweden is still one of the most exposed countries both by the number of attacks and how much they cost the companies.

In December 2020, the Swedish government announced the formation of a National Cybersecurity Center, led by four authorities:  Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), Swedish National Defense Radio Establishment (FRA), Swedish Armed Forces and Swedish Security Service (SÄPO). They will be supported by other relevant stakeholders, including Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS), Swedish Criminal Investigation Service (RKP), Swedish Defense Materiel Administration (FMV), Swedish Certification Body for IT Security (CSEC) and Military Intelligence and Security Service (MUST).  The center is currently putting together specific cooperation structures with the energy, transportation, and telecommunication sectors.

Table 1: Total Market Size for cybersecurity
Cybersecurity 2020202120222023 (Estimated) 
Total Local Production* 768799799720
Total Exports 45464650
Total Imports 550554556550
Imports from the US 98100101102
Total Market Size 1,3031,3071,3091,220
Exchange Rates

Unit: $ millions  

Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis, TPIS, SCB – Statistics Sweden  

Total market size = (total local production + imports) - exports 

*Please note that the local production data is based on industry estimates 

Leading Sub-Sectors 

  • Application Security: vulnerability assessment and analysis tools, patch management software, content filtering and monitoring software. 
  • Identity and Access Based Services: intrusion detection systems, authentication systems, anomaly detection & prevention systems, messaging security, access management systems. 
  • Situational Awareness: Deep & Dark Web investigation services, attack trend analysis services, intrusion response services. 
  • System Recovery and Data Cleansing: automated data cleansing tools, validation and verification tools, de-duplication software. 


The public sector and critical infrastructure sectors (transportation, energy, and communications) account for roughly 30 percent of the cybersecurity solutions demand. Investments in cybersecurity are expected to continue to grow in 2023 due to an overall increase in IT security awareness.   

Legacy manufacturing companies are in the process of digitalizing parts of their production with increased systems’ integration, connected devices, and both raw and analyzed data moving to cloud-based platforms. Industrial cybersecurity has a wider scope than traditional IT security, as it involves the company’s products and production processes with sensitive IPR information.  Demand for applications such as enhanced Industrial Control Systems (ICS) capabilities and operational technology (OT) security platforms is increasing.   

Public Procurement 

There is no national database for public sector contracts in Sweden.  Instead, the contracts are available on several private sector databases, listed on the National Agency for Public Procurement (upphandlingsmyndigehten.se)

website. Procurements that exceed specific contract values, are also published in the EU Database TED (ted.europa.eu)


Integritetsmyndigheten IMY (imy.se)

IT Security (informationsakerhet.se)

Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (msb.se)

National Cybersecurity Center (ncsc.se)

Trade Events

SecTech Sweden Expo & Seminar, October 24 - 25, 2023, Stockholm 



Local Commercial Specialist: Tuula Ahlstrom, Tuula.Ahlstrom@trade.gov