Empower Her Partners
The first strategic priority listed in President Biden’s National Gender Strategy is to “improve economic security and accelerate economic growth”. This is an area in which the U.S. Commercial Service and the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) and the AmChams in Europe (ACE) have a direct role and a unique platform to advance the goals of gender equality and women’s empowerment through trade and economic development.
AmCham EU
AmCham EU speaks for American companies committed to Europe on trade, investment, and competitiveness issues. It aims to ensure a growth-orientated business and investment climate in Europe. AmCham EU facilitates the resolution of transatlantic issues that impact business and plays a role in creating a better understanding of EU and US positions on business matters. Aggregate US investment in Europe totaled more than €3.4 trillion in 2021, directly supports more than 4.9 million jobs in Europe, and generates billions of euros annually in income, trade and research, and development.
AmChams in Europe (ACE)
AmChams in Europe serves as the umbrella organization for 46 American Chambers of Commerce (AmChams) from 44 countries throughout Europe and Eurasia. The US and Europe are each other’s largest trading partners and make up the world’s largest and wealthiest market. In Europe, we represent the interests of more than 17,000 American and European companies employing 20 million workers – accounting for more than $ 1.1 trillion in investment on both sides of the Atlantic. As a bilateral voice of American and European companies, AmChams in Europe works to communicate the importance of the transatlantic economy in both Europe and the United States.
An immediate and visible action companies and leaders can take that is both symbolic and impactful is to join other business leaders and companies in Europe in signing and sharing the Declaration of Support for Women’s Economic Empowerment and incorporating its tenets and principles into your companies’ ethos and daily operations. Contact Us to request a copy of the Declaration today to pledge your support.