West bank and gaza Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in west bank and gaza, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Business Travel
Last published date:

Business Customs

In general, Palestinian businesses are family-oriented, built on trust and long-term relationships. Larger local businesses tend to be non-family owned. Palestinian business people are pragmatic and generally politically moderate. Owners of larger enterprises have international contacts and worldwide experience.

Although business orientation has in the past tended to be toward Europe and the Gulf, local entrepreneurs seek American partners because of their technical expertise and know-how. U.S. businesspeople that travel to the area should familiarize themselves with State Department travel warnings currently warning U.S. citizens of the risk of traveling to the West Bank and avoiding all travel to Gaza. If they do travel, they should concentrate on building strong personal relationships with potential partners. It is customary to discuss plans over cups of Arabic coffee or tea, and you may often be invited to the family home or out for a restaurant meal.

Most major Palestinian businesspeople speak English well, although when negotiating contractual terms it is advisable to use a good translator and a local attorney to assist with the agreement. Palestinians dress more formally than Israelis, usually in Western business suits. Business cards are always exchanged, and appointments can be made on short notice.

The normal workweek varies depending on the business, although most firms are closed on Fridays (Muslim holy day), even if the owner is Christian. Christian-owned firms are also generally closed on Sundays.

Travel Advisory

Current information on travel and security in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza may be obtained from the Department of State by calling 1-888-407-4747 within the United States, or, from overseas, 1-317-472-2328. U.S. citizens should consult the Travel Warning and Consular Information Sheet for Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, the Middle East and North Africa Public Announcement, and the Worldwide Caution Public Announcement, and the Worldwide Caution Public Announcement at the State Department’s Internet site.

Visa Requirements

For visa requirements to enter Israel, the West Bank and Gaza go to the State Department’s Internet site.  

U.S. companies that require travel of foreign businesspersons to the United States are advised that security evaluations are handled via an interagency process. Visa applicants should go to the following link(s): State Department Visa Website.  All visa services are available at the U.S. Embassy Jerusalem


Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza routinely deal in the Israeli shekel, Jordanian dinar and U.S. dollar. Israeli shekels are preferred for retail business transactions while U.S. dollars and Jordanian dinars are preferred for savings and international transfers. The euro is also used and accepted to make payments. ATM networks are readily accessible in urban areas of the West Bank, however traveler checks are not accepted.


AnchorAnchorAnchorAnchorAnchorThe international dialing code for the West Bank and Gaza is +970. Calling fixed lines may require a city code: (02) Ramallah, Hebron and Jericho; (09) for Nablus, Tulkarem, and Qalqilya; (04) for Jenin; (08) for Gaza, and (972) (02) for Jerusalem. Mobile phone numbers for Jawwal begin with (059) and for Ooredoo start with (056). To call a fixed line from a mobile phone, dial the city code followed by the fixed line number.

Paltel is the only fixed line operator in the West Bank and Gaza. The company offers its 485,829 subscribers a full range of services, including local and international phone calls, access to the Internet, and payphone services. Jawwal and Ooredoo are the only two licensed mobile operators in the West Bank and Gaza.

Several VOIP, Wifi, BSA (Bit-Stream Access), and broadband service providers have entered the West Bank and Gaza. Wireless Internet can be found in many hotels, coffee shops and restaurants. Electricity is at 220 Volts and European plugs are used so travelers are encouraged to carry adaptors.


AnchorAnchorAnchorAnchorAnchorU.S. business visitors may use one of the several taxi services in Jerusalem for travel in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Long-term business visitors may want to rent a car and driver. The U.S. Government warns against travel to Gaza. When traveling within the West Bank, travelers should keep their passports available for inspection at Israeli checkpoints. The Commercial Service strongly suggests checking the latest State Department Travel Advisory before considering trips to the West Bank and Gaza.


AnchorAnchorAnchorAnchorAnchorPalestinians speak Arabic; most heads of larger companies and many other Palestinians speak English well.


AnchorAnchorAnchorAnchorAnchorThe following general hospitals are in the West Bank:

  • Ramallah Government Hospital, Tel: +970-2-298-2216
  • Arab Care Hospital, Tel: +970-2-298-6420

Palestinian hospitals only accept insurance issued by a local Palestinian insurance company, otherwise payment in cash is required. Hospitals usually ask for a deposit upon admittance of a patient and the amount is calculated according to estimated duration of treatment in hospital. In the West Bank very serious and untreatable cases are usually referred to Israeli hospitals. In the West Bank, Ramallah Government Hospital is very well equipped and staffed.

Travelers can obtain additional health information from the International Travelers Hotline of the Center for Disease Control by dialing: +(404) 332-4559.

Tap water is generally safe to drink and bottled water is readily available. No mandatory vaccinations are required when entering the country.

Local Time, Business Hours, and Holidays

AnchorAnchorThe local time is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time and Daylight Saving Time is observed. Most businesses are closed on Fridays, while some Christian-owned businesses close on Sundays and may also close on Fridays.


Muslim holidays include Eid Al Fitr, Eid al-Adha, the Islamic New Year (Ra’s as-Sana), the Prophet’s Birthday (Mawled), Isra, and Mi’ raj. Businesses are open on those holidays, but government offices are closed. Business and government offices close for three days for Eid Al Fitr and four days for El Adha. The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem is closed on the recognized day of these holidays. The month-long Ramadan period began onMarch 22, 2023. During this period, businesses and government offices generally remain open, but business slows somewhat as observant Muslims are required to observe a fast from before sunrise to sunset. Islamic holidays are based on lunar calendar, so dates will vary from year to year. In addition, the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem is closed for official American and Jewish holidays:

American, Islamic, and Israeli Holidays: January 2023

January 2, 2023

New Year’s Day 

January 16

Martin Luther King Day

February 20

President’s Day

April 6

Passover (1st Day)

April 12

Passover (Last Day)*

April 14

Good Friday 

April 24

Eid Al Fitr **

April 26

 Israeli Independence Day* 

May 26

Shavuot (Pentecost)

May 29

Memorial Day

June 19 


June 28 

Eid Al Adha **

July 4

U.S. Independence Day

September 4

Labor Day 

September 16

 Rosh Hashanah (New Year 1st Day)*

September 17

Rosh Hashanah (New Year 2nd Day)*

September 25

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)

September 30

Succot (Feast of Tabernacles)

October 7

Simhat Torah (Rejoicing of the Law)

October 9

Columbus Day

November 10

Veterans Day

November 23

Thanksgiving Day 

December 25

Christmas Day

January 1, 2024 

New Year’s Day

*Israeli National Holidays: All businesses in Israel are closed. Jewish holidays begin at sunset the day before. Businesses and offices close in the early afternoon of the day before. Many Israeli businesses close for the duration of Passover (7 days) and sukkot (8 days). Israeli checkpoints into the West Bank may also operate limited hours.

**Locally-observed Islamic Holidays: Dates for these holidays are based on the lunar calendar and currently estimated to be o/a April 22 for Eid Al Fitr and a/o June 28 for Eid Al Adha.