Tanzania Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in tanzania, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Prohibited & Restricted Imports
Last published date:

Prohibited goods are the goods that cannot be imported into the country while restricted goods are those which must meet certain conditions before clearance through Customs.

This information below explains prohibited & Restricted goods as per the EAC Customs Management Act 2004 PDF.

List of prohibited goods

  1. All goods prohibited under the Customs Management Act, or by any written law in force in any of the Partner States (EAC).
  2. False money and counterfeit currency notes, coins and any money not being of the established standard in weight or fineness.
  3. Pornographic materials in all kinds of media, indecent or obscene printed paintings, books, cards, lithographs or other engravings, and any other indecent or obscene articles.
  4. Matches containing white phosphorous.
  5. Any article made without proper authority with the Armorial Ensigns or Court of Arms of a Partner State or having such Ensigns or Arms so closely resembling them.
  6. Distilled beverages containing essential oils or chemical products, which are injurious to health, including thijone, stars arise, benzoic aldehyde, salicylic esters, hyssop and absinthe. Provided that nothing in this paragraph contained shall apply to “Anise and Anisette” liquors containing not more than 0.1 per centum of oil of anise and distillates from either pimpinella anisum or the star arise allicium verum.
  7. Narcotic drugs under international control.
  8. Hazardous wastes and their disposal as provided for under the base conventions.
  9. Soaps and cosmetic products containing mercury.
  10. Used tires for light commercial and passenger vehicles.
  11. Counterfeit goods of all kinds.

Restricted goods

  1. All goods whose importation is for the time being regulated under Customs Management Act by any written law in force in the Partner State.
  2. Postal franking machines except and in accordance with the terms of a written permit granted by a competent authority of the Partner States.
  3. Traps capable of killing or capturing any game animal except and in accordance with the terms of a written permit granted by the Partner State.
  4. Unwrought precious metals and precious stones.
  5. Arms and ammunition
  6. Ossein and bones treated with acid.
  7. Bones and horn - cores, unworked defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape) degelatinized, powder and waste of these products.
  8. Ivory, elephant unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape.
  9. Teeth, hippopotamus, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape.
  10. Horn, rhinoceros, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape.
  11. Other ivory unworked or simply prepared but cut to shape.
  12. Ivory powder and waste.
  13. Tortoise shell, whalebone and whalebone hair, horns, antlers, hooves, nail, claws and beaks, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape, powder and waste of these products.
  14. Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply prepared but not otherwise worked shells of molasses, crustaceans or echinoderms and cattle-bone, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape powder and waste thereof.
  15. Natural sponges of animal origin.
  16. Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors.
  17. Worked ivory and articles of ivory.
  18. Bone, tortoise shell, horn, antlers, coral, mother-of pearl and other animal carving material, and articles of these materials (including articles obtained bymoulding).
  19. Ozone Depleting Substances under the Montreal Protocol (1987) and the Vienna Convention (1985).
  20. Genetically modified products.
  21. Non-indigenous species of fish or egg of progeny.
  22. Endangered Species of World Flora and Fauna and their products in accordance with CITES March 1973 and amendments thereof.
  23. Commercial casings (Secondhand tyres).
  24. All psychotropic drugs under international control.
  25. Historical artifacts.
  26. Goods specified under Chapter 36 of the Customs Nomenclature (for example, percussion caps, detonators, signaling flares).
  27. Parts of guns and ammunition, of base metal (Section XV of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System), or similar goods of plastics under Chapter 39 of the Customs Nomenclature.
  28. Armored fighting vehicles under heading No 8710 of the Customs Nomenclature.
  29. Telescope sights or other optical devices suitable for use with arms, unless mounted on a firearm or presented with the firearm on which they are designed to be mounted under Chapter 90 of the Customs Nomenclature.
  30. Bows, arrows, fencing foils or toys under Chapter 95 of the Customs Nomenclature.
  31. Collector’s pieces or antiques of guns and ammunition under heading No 9705 or 9706 of the Customs Nomenclature.