Tanzania Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in tanzania, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Customs Regulations
Last published date:

Import regulations:

Free import by passengers older than 17 years:
1. One packet of Cigarette containing 200 sticks, cigars, tobacco and snuff not exceeding 250 grams;
2. One liter of Whisky and liquors;
3. Two liters of Wine ;
4. Perfume and toilet water not exceeding half litre, of which not more than a quarter may be perfume. i.e. (125ml of perfume and 375ml of toilet water);
5. Personal and household effects:
- Wearing apparel;
- Personal and household effects;
- Goods up to 500 dollars.
6. All goods manufactured in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda or Uganda.

Arms and Ammunition regulations:

It is advisable to obtain an import permit from the police in advance.

Wild Fauna and Flora:

For plants and plant products a phytosanitary certificate is required. For fruits an additional declaration that Xanthomonas citri (Hasse) Dowson does not occur in the country of origin is required.

Export regulations

Free export of a reasonable quantity of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.


Health Certificate of competent veterinary surgeon is required. All pets are subject to inspection on arrival and will be kept in quarantine for a certain period. Dogs and cats must have been vaccinated against rabies. Dogs: less than 3 years and 6 months at the latest prior to arrival. Cats: less than 1 year and 1 month at the latest prior to arrival.

Baggage Clearance regulations:

Baggage is cleared at the first airport of entry in Tanzania.

Exempt: baggage of transit passengers with a destination outside of Tanzania.

The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) launched a World Customs Organization and World Trade Organization-compliant Imports/Exports Commodity Database to compile standard customs values for an exhaustive listing of import and export goods.  TRA expects this to be a boon to port productivity, shortening clearance times and increasing transparency on valuation decisions.

Customs Office Contact

Commissioner of Customs
Customs and Excise Department
Tanzania Revenue Authority

28 Edward Sokoine Drive

11105 Mchafukoge, Ilala CBD
P.O. Box 11491
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Phone: 255-22-2127783 or 2119269
Fax: 255-22-2124523
Website: https://www.tra.go.tz