Taiwan Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in taiwan, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Labeling/Marking Requirements
Last published date:

Taiwan’s Commodity Labeling Act stipulates that all commodities sold in Taiwan shall be labeled using the Chinese language and may be supplemented by English or another foreign language, provided the Chinese labeling is no less comprehensive than the product label written in the language-of-origin. If the material contained within the commodity’s language-of-origin cannot be properly described in the Chinese language, such material may be labeled using international accepted words or symbols.

The Act was amended in May 2022 and took effect in May 2023. Details of the amended Act can be found at https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=J0080011

Imports sold in Taiwan must be labeled with product information including the name of the commodity itself; the name, telephone number, and address of the producer or manufacturer; the commodity’s place of origin; and the name, telephone number, and address of the importer. The contact information for foreign companies or locations is not required to be written in Chinese. Product labels must also include the contents or composition of the commodity; major components/ingredients, or materials; and the net weight, volume or quantity, and measurements of the product. This content information must be labeled in Chinese and use metric units; however, labeling using both metric and non-metric units is also permitted. Furthermore, to be sold in Taiwan, all measuring instruments calibrated in non-metric units must also display their metric equivalents.

If a product is hazardous or dangerous in nature, is related to health and safety, has special characteristics, requires special handling, or has a limited storage duration, it must also be labeled with the date of manufacture in Chinese using either the Taiwan or Gregorian calendar, the expiration date or the term of validity, and other particulars as required by the Taiwan authorities.

During shipping, all imported cargo must bear a mark of distinctive design, a set of three or more letters, or a combination of design and letters indelibly stenciled, stamped, or burned on the packing or on the cargo itself. For cargo packed in cases, boxes, crates, casks, drums, or cylinders, each container should also bear a separate number that cannot be repeated for two years. Bags or bales also must bear a non-recurring number, date, or set of three or more letters. In addition, each package of a consignment must be numbered consecutively. Numbering is not essential for large cargo lots except when packaged in cases, boxes, or crates, if each package of the consignment contains cargo of identical weight.