Slovenia Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in slovenia, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Logistics & Distribution
Last published date:


Slovenia’s geographical location at the intersection of the 5th and 10th Pan-European corridors makes it one of the major transportation connectors between the Adriatic Sea and the Balkans.  The Port of Koper on the Adriatic Sea is a major cargo transshipment point, while Ljubljana’s Jože Pučnik Airport, located in the center of the country, hosts a number of airway and land cargo logistics and transport companies.  Operated by the German transport company Fraport, Jože Pučnik Airport has expanded its cargo and passenger terminal capacity and plans to develop a new intermodal center, including a railway connection, to improve distribution capacities.  In 2019, 1.7 million passengers and 11.3 million tons of cargo passed through Jože Pučnik Airport.  That number significantly declined in 2020 and 2021 due to travel restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2019 bankruptcy of Slovenia’s national air carrier, Adria.  Two international logistics companies, UPS and DHL, also operate hubs at the airport.   In addition to Jože Pučnik Airport, Maribor Airport mostly handles cargo transportation.  Slovenia has approximately 2,500 companies in the logistics and distribution sector, with EUR 3.6 billion in turnover and EUR 1.6 billion in export sales.  Following a feasibility study in 2023, the Ministry of Infrastructure expressed interest in exploring options to establish a new airline, possibly through a public-private partnership, to increase Slovenia’s air connectivity.  The ministry noted poor air connectivity cost Slovenia approximately EUR 260 million annually. 

Leading Sub-Sectors

  • Air cargo shipping
  • Ship cargo transport
  • Storing of goods
  • Maritime and inland logistics
  • Services at terminals


Slovenia’s investment promotion agency SPIRIT has promoted the country as a logistics hub for foreign companies interested in entering the EU market.  One of the most important commercial ports in the Northern Adriatic, the Port of Koper features modern and flexible infrastructure and the shortest route for goods between Asia and Central Europe.  In addition, nine business facilitation zones located throughout the country offer foreign business partners a chance for public-private partnership projects.  Slovenia’s Country Development Plan includes a thorough upgrade of railway networks in both the 5th and 6th European corridors, construction of a second railway line between the Port of Koper and Divača, and additional highway projects in the next few years.  Slovenia has earmarked EUR 17 billion to improve logistics and transportation facilities through 2030 and has also adopted a transport development strategy, a national traffic development plan, and an alternative fuels strategy.  Construction on the EUR 1.2 billion 27-km Divača-Koper second rail began in May 2021, with the new track expected to be operational by 2026.  The second rail will significantly increase freight transport capacity from the port, much of it destined for Central Europe.  The government is also encouraging further digitalization in transport and logistics to eliminate red tape and reduce costs.

Leading companies in the sector include:


Ministry of Infrastructure, Langusova 4, SI- 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Ministry of the Economy, Tourism, and Sport, Kotnikova 5, SI- 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Dimiceva 13, 1504 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Transport and Communications Association, Dimiceva 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


U.S. Commercial Service

Matjaž Kavčič, Senior Economic Commercial Specialist

Phone: +386 1 200 5644

Fax: +386 1 200 5555
