Romania Country Commercial Guide
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Defense Industry
Last published date:


Starting in 2017, Romania has committed to spend at least 2.0% of GDP annually on defense through 2027. In 2022 the defense budget was increased to 2.5% of GDP, or an additional 1 billion USD to use especially for acquisition of military equipment. The increased spending level offers a clear opportunity for U.S. defense equipment and service providers. Romania is also looking to modernize its own defense industry through international partnerships.

At present, Romania’s Ministry of Defense (MOD) is considering Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases as the first option for acquisition. International firms may be asked to contribute to this goal on a volunteer base under FMS cases or under the offset law for all commercial contracts over €2 million ($2.2 million). In recent years, national security interest was invoked based upon security of supply, as a mandatory criterion for awarding contracts in these cases, with related industrial cooperation or offset obligations defined from the beginning. The Romanian Parliament must approve defense acquisitions in excess of €100 million ($110 million).

Due to changes in government in February 2020, the new government is evaluating the needs of the military and is assessing military personnel and previously tendered procurement and projects.

Leading Sub-Sectors

  • Tracked and wheeled-armored vehicles
  • Infantry weapons and ammunition
  • Artillery systems and ammunition
  • Missiles systems and rockets
  • Powders, explosives
  • Equipment and subsystems
  • Low and medium altitude radar systems
  • Used U.S. fighter aircraft upgrades
  • Replacement parts and service
  • Defense training and consultation


The allocation of resources for transformation, modernization and endowment of the Romanian Armed Forces’ capabilities/structures will take place in accordance with priorities set by the program of transformation, development, and procurement of the Romanian Armed Forces by 2026 and beyond. This program includes the build-up and refilling of stocks. Financial allowances for the modernization of military endowment by means of new acquisition programs, modernization and/or general overhaul of the existing equipment will target the following categories:

  • track and wheeled combat vehicles - armored personnel carriers, MBT’s, infantry fighting vehicles and their derivatives
  • field artillery systems - MLRS, self-propelled 155 mm and 105 mm howitzers, including ammunition
  • C5ISR systems — integrated communication information systems, brigade and division C2, specific equipment for tactical air controllers’ teams (JTAC), satellite communication system (SATCOM), network security systems, IT strategic equipment stocks, software, etc.
  • individual and group armaments and equipment — individual and collective CBRN detection and protection systems, NATO-compatible individual weapons, and specific equipment, including those for special forces, portable antitank missile systems, advanced individual combat systems
  • engineering and counter IED equipment
  • armored and non-armored all-terrain vehicles
  • multifunctional transport platforms
  • combat and transport aircraft, including specific communication and positioning systems
  • medium and heavy helicopters
  • ground-based air defense systems - SHORAD/V-SHORAD and Manpad; air target systems for GBAD training; deployable radio relay modules
  • combat ships - Type 22-R frigates revamping, turbines, antisubmarine tor­pedoes, antipiracy capabilities, multifunctional corvettes, missile fast attack boats, mine hunters, riverine vessels, minelayer and ­minesweeper, assault boats and other naval platforms
  • support ships - for special forces operations, harbor and maritime tug, riverine tug and logistic support ships
  • static and mobile ISR and electronic countermeasures systems - optical and optoelectronic equipment, ISTAR equipment, radars, ground mobile electronic warfare systems for the Air Force, SCO­MAR system (Black Sea Traffic Control, Surveillance, Observati­on Complex System), CBRN reconnaissance and data processing equipment, maritime situation surveillance equipment, hydro weather systems etc.

UAS class 2 and 3 with capabilities alongside infrastructure for air bases and military sites as well as other goods for the structures’ operating support, including integra­ted security systems for military units/objectives, ROLE-2 deployable me­dical facility and security containers.

The Romanian Ministry of Defense (MOD) advertises tender and contract opportunities valued over RON 1,000, or approximately $200, on the Electronic System of Public Procurement ( (SEAP), the Electronic Tendering portal. Access and registration on SEAP are free of charge. For sub-contracting opportunities, companies should engage directly with the defense contractor listed in the contract award. Some of the opportunities can also be seen on

Current defense procurement priorities: Tracked and Wheeled-Armored Vehicles; Artillery Systems; Missiles Systems and Rockets; Fighter Aircraft; Helicopters (medium and heavy); Unmanned Aerial Systems; C4ISTAR Systems; Satellite Communication and Surveillance Services, Infrastructure (air bases and military sites).

Actors involved in the Defense Procurement Process:

1. Contracting authorities of the Romanian MOD (

  • General Directorate for Armaments (, MOD acquisitions department
  • Romtehnica: ( ), MOD Export-Import Company. Most defense-related procurement contracts and aspects related to transfer of technology, logistic support, technical assistance and personnel training are negotiated and signed on behalf of MOD by Romtehnica. They perform all commercial and financial activities related to defense upgrading/modernization programs of the Romanian Armed Forces.
  • METRA ( R&D Agency of the Romanian army. METRA together with the military branches define technical specifications for tenders organized by Romtehnica.

2. Romanian state-owned defense companies:

The National Company Romarm ( is the largest local industry player for military equipment, ammunition, and maintenance services. Romarm is under the authority of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Defense Industry Department ( and is composed of 15 subsidiaries.

3. The Romanian Office for Offsetting Special Technique Procurements

The Offset Agency’s ( ) is administered by the Ministry of Economy and its major responsibilities include:

  • Framing procurement policies
  • Providing guidance to contracting authorities/entities and tenders
  • Preparing legislation
  • Monitoring the implementation of public procurement rules
  • Publishing and information sharing
  • Maintaining relations with their counterparts

4. The Controllers: ANAP and DNA

The National Agency for Public Procurement (ANAP) ( Roles:

 Policy and law making, guidance, helpdesk and operational support, ex-ante control, and monitoring and supervision of the public procurement system

  • Ensuring a coherent and harmonized legal framework in the field of public procurement in line with the obligations derived from the application of the EU Directives
  • Implementing a proper verification system to ensure the unitary application of the legal provisions and procedures by the contracting authorities
  • Ensuring an efficient system of public procurement and supervising its functionality
  • Ensuring a permanent communication channel with the structures within the European Commission, with the correspondent public institutions from the Member States, and with the national bodies of public interest.

The National Anti-Corruption Division (DNA) ( Roles

  • prosecutor’s office that specializes in combating high and medium level corruption
  • discovery, investigation, and indictment on high and medium level corruption cases
  • contribution to reducing corruption, giving its support for a democratic society aligned to the European Union Standards and values.

5. The Referees:

The National Council for Solving Complaints (NCSC) ( Roles

  • first administrative body with jurisdiction over public procurement
  • aims to guarantee compliance of contracting authorities through legislation for the resolution of complaints submitted by any person.

The Administrative Litigation Section of the Court of Appeals

Romania’s defense industry is set to mature considerably as a result of active support from the government to restructure and modernize some of its sectors, but it remains relatively small compared to its European counterparts.

Other relevant organizations:

National Agency for Controlling Exports of Strategic Products (ANCEX):

Association of Romanian Defense Producers (PATROMIL):

Trade Events

Romania and Poland Aerospace Defense Trade Mission: November 12-17, 2023 (

Black Sea Defense and Aerospace (BSDA) Trade Show: (, organized in Bucharest, every two years, with the support of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The 8th edition of this major Defense Trade Show in the region took place on May 18-20, 2022.  Next edition of BSDA will be in May 24-26,2024.


Contact Information

Monica Eremia, Commercial Specialist