North Macedonia - Country Commercial Guide
Selling Factors and Techniques
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Sales materials, labels, usage instructions, and declarations (e.g., information about what the product is made of, who produced it, who imported it, expiry date) must be in the Macedonian and Albanian languages.

Selling techniques vary according to the industry and product.  Companies should research North Macedonia’s market before implementing promotional activities, as strategies used in the United States may not be equally effective in North Macedonia.

Price is usually the decisive selling factor since disposable income in North Macedonia remains low compared to Western European countries.  Brand image is also important, leading some consumers to purchase cheap knockoff merchandise and counterfeits online and at local shops, often believing they are buying genuine items.

Financing and payment terms play a key role in sales.  Many buyers prefer to pay for purchases in monthly installments.  Quality and support services attract more sophisticated customers with higher incomes.

Strong local contacts are important for success.  Companies should be prepared to spend time cultivating relationships with buyers and finding motivated and skilled local sales representatives.

All forms of advertising are used in North Macedonia: online, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, outdoor billboards and signs, direct marketing, trade shows, event sponsorship, and social media brand ambassadors.

Trade Promotion and Advertising

Television has the broadest media reach but is often too expensive for local companies.  Foreign companies might need to cover the cost of television commercials for their representatives in North Macedonia.  In addition to state-owned broadcaster National Radio Television (MRT), which is funded from the national budget and advertisements, there are number of private television stations with national coverage, national television stations broadcasting via satellite, private regional, and private local television stations.  Cable TV is popular with a growing number of regional stations.  The most-watched national television stations are Alsat, Kanal 5, MRT Albanian Language TV, MRT Macedonian language TV, Sitel, Telma, and TV 21.  There are also number of radio stations broadcasting throughout North Macedonia.

There are Macedonian language daily newspapers (Nova Makedonija, Sloboden Pecat, Vecer) and Albanian-language newspapers (Koha, Lajm) in North Macedonia.  Several specialty magazines are also published in the Albanian and Macedonian languages (e.g., Fokus, Kapital, Republika, Shenja, Ekonomija i Biznis).

All major broadcast and print media offer up-to-date web editions, and the number of online media outlets in the country continues to grow.  Social media networks, especially Facebook and Instagram, are exceptionally popular in North Macedonia.

Business directories include Yellow Pages (Zlatna Kniga/Libri i Artë).

Most outdoor advertising is limited to billboards, buses, and large signs.  There are some electronic displays in larger cities.

As postal service improves, direct mail advertising is slowly increasing.

Point of sale promotions are not common but are growing in popularity.  Retail stores often treat retail and/or point-of-sale advertising as a secondary activity.  Likewise, merchandise is stocked on shelves with little consideration for appearance.  Unless there is assistance from a producer or distributor, retailers will rarely try to enhance point-of-sale advertising.  Coca-Cola, for example, has pursued a visible point-of-sale (shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, gas stations) marketing campaign that involves posters and coolers with company logos.

Special events offer an excellent avenue to launch new products.  Because event promotion is relatively new to North Macedonia, it offers an opportunity for a company’s products or services to stand out.

Advertising and marketing agencies have developed over the years and offer a full range of services.

“Invest North Macedonia” and the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism ran a “North Macedonia Timeless” advertising campaign in the United States and Europe for approximately eight years on CNN (Cable News Network).


According to official July 2023 data, average monthly income in North Macedonia is 36,286 denars (per NBRNM October 2023 middle exchange rate: $622).  Consumers are extremely price sensitive.  Imported products tend to be priced substantially higher than locally produced goods.  Favorable financing may be a critical selling factor for big-ticket items.  An 18 percent value-added tax (VAT) is charged on most goods and services.

Sales Service/Customer Support

Although sales service and customer support are relatively undeveloped, more local businesses are attempting to provide quality service to their customers.  Firms selling capital equipment and technology may wish to emphasize product quality and after sales service.  Foreign companies will need to train their local distributors and agents to communicate their firms’ distinctive customer service policies and standards.

Local Professional Services

U.S. Embassy Skopje List of Attorneys

Macedonian Lawyers Association

Accounting and Business Consulting Services

Analysis and Advisory Group

  • Deloitte
  • Ernst & Young
  • Grant Thornton
  • KPMG
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
  • Advertising
  • McCann Skopje
  • Media Solutions
  • New Moment
  • Publicis Groupe

Principal Business Associations

  • American Chamber of Commerce in North Macedonia
  • Business Confederation of Macedonia
  • Economic Chamber of North Macedonia
  • Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia
  • European Business Association
  • Foreign Investors Council
  • Macedonian Chambers of Commerce
  • MASIT - ICT Chamber of Commerce

Limitations on Selling U.S. Products and Services

Foreign investors can invest directly in all sectors.  Investors in some sectors (such as the production of weaponry and medicinal narcotics, banking, financial services, insurance, and gaming) must meet certain licensing requirements that apply equally to both domestic and foreign investors.