Mexico Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in mexico, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
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The Mexican market is mature and competitive but also very receptive to the franchise model. Franchises have experienced sustained growth in recent years, and although the expansion slowed down during the COVID-19 pandemic it is expected to grow around 10 percent in 2023. United States franchise concepts are well regarded in the Mexican market due to brand familiarity, as well as the strong relationship between the two countries. According to the Mexican Franchise Association, the franchise industry is responsible for around five percent of Mexico’s economic output, with more than 90,000 points of sale throughout the country representing over 1,300 franchise concepts. About 85 percent of the franchises operating in the country are Mexican brands, 10 percent are from the United States, and the remaining percentage is shared by brands from Europe and Latin America.

Mexican franchise brands are not only growing in-country but are also exploring opportunities abroad. Currently there are about 20 brands certified by the Mexican Franchise Association with a presence in other countries, including the United States.

Table 1:  Mexico Franchise Market Share


Market Share

Direct jobs

Food and Beverage









Personal Care






Source: Mexican Franchise Association

The food and beverage sector represents 32 percent of the Mexican franchise market, followed by retail, personal care services, health, education, and business consulting. The franchise model has been particularly successful for concepts that do not require high investment fees. Concepts with investment fees ranging from USD 50,000 to USD 250,000 have more opportunities to grow in the market than high-fee models. In 2020 some franchise companies developed crowdfunding programs to attract smaller investors and continue their market operations. In the last couple of years, 10 concepts in different industry sectors related to franchising, have successfully achieved their expansion plans through crowdfunding, and experts predict that more local and international brands will adopt this model to finance their growth.

Traditionally, large cities such as Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara have been the dominant options for positioning a new franchise concept, comprising about 70 percent of the total number of franchises in country. Nevertheless, the development of franchise business opportunities has also been successful in smaller cities where local populations are looking for new products and brands.

Franchising in Mexico, as in any other country, requires a long-term commitment. United States franchisors must commit human and financial resources to develop a business plan (including market research) to identify the best strategy for growth, as well as show flexibility to adapt to the local culture. Given that Mexico is so large and diverse, it is challenging to grant one master franchisee contract to develop the entire country. It is highly recommended to approach the country on a geographic basis and grant at least three regional rights covering Northern, Western, and Central Mexico. United States franchisors must support the master/regional franchisees throughout the business relationship if they want to be successful. One of the main challenges cited by franchisees is the lack of support from franchisors once the agreement is signed. Close communications with partners, continual training, and regular visits to the country are important to facilitating long-term success.

Franchising Legal Framework

Franchises in Mexico are regulated by Article 245 of the new Industrial Property Law (Ley Federal de Protección a la Propiedad Industrial). A franchise exists when, in conjunction with a written license to use a trademark, technical knowledge is transmitted to enable the franchisee to sell goods or render services using the operating, commercial, and administrative methods established by the holder of the trademark with the aim of maintaining the quality, prestige, and image of the products or services distinguished by the trademark. Franchising agreements must be recorded with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial or IMPI).

It is also important to register trademarks in Mexico with IMPI to protect brands. According to the law, a trademark must be used by either its owner, the licensee, or the franchisee of record, or it may be subject to cancellation due to non-use. The time frame for registering a trademark in Mexico is approximately four to six months.

Franchising Association

The Mexican Franchise Association (Asociación Mexicana de Franquicias or AMF) is a private entity with over 30 years in the market. The AMF’s main purpose is to promote and develop franchising in Mexico, as well as to support regulations and develop programs with the public and private sectors to promote the industry. It is mostly comprised of Mexican franchisors and franchisees, as well as franchise consulting firms. The Mexican Franchise Association coordinates different academic programs to educate entrepreneurs about the industry, and lobbies with the Government of Mexico for the industry business interests.


Mexican Franchise Association (AMF)


For more information on the franchise sector, please contact:


Martha Sánchez

Commercial Specialist

U.S. Commercial Service —Mexico City

Tel: +52 (55) 5080-2000 Ext. 5225