Lesotho - Country Commercial Guide
Last published date:

Lesotho has spectacular scenery and potential for eco-tourism.  The rugged countryside makes Lesotho ideal for off-road sports. The country hosts the Roof of Africa motorcycle rally annually and has introduced other annual events such as the Maletsunyane Falls braai festival and the Lesotho sky cycling event.  Lesotho is home to the world’s longest commercial single-drop abseil and Sub-Saharan Africa’s only ski resort.  In addition, Lesotho has good air and road connections with South Africa and is working to improve internal infrastructure, such as roads, to accommodate the tourism industry.  South Africa draws large numbers of international tourists, creating an opportunity to attract side-trips to Lesotho.

The tourism industry is actively promoted by the Lesotho government, and a number of hotels, mountain lodges and national parks have been developed in recent years. The Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation (LTDC), a government agency responsible for promotion of tourism, supports tourism sector investment and offers limited incentives to  investors.

Tourism Sub-Sector Best Prospects                                                               

  • Boating Excursions on Dams, Canoeing, and other Recreational Activities
  • Accommodation Facilities and Resort Developments
  • Ski-resorts, Equipment, and Related Services 


The tourism sector stands to benefit from the LHWP as existing and prospective LHWP dams create a notable opportunity for water sports and recreational activities.  Another major feature of the country is altitude; Lesotho is the only country in the world which lies entirely 1000m above sea level.  Thus, Lesotho is an ideal location to develop high altitude sports training facilities.  There is also an opportunity in the hotel industry –
Lesotho is under-supplied with accommodation facilities of appropriate standards, particularly at key tourism sites.  Most tourists from South Africa cross into Lesotho for day trip, only to go back to accommodations in South Africa. 


Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation: http://visitlesotho.travel/ltdc

Afriski: https://afriski.net/


Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation 


Tel: (266) 22312238