Lebanon - Country Commercial Guide
Market Entry Strategy
Last published date:

U.S. companies interested in doing business in Lebanon are advised to hire a Lebanese agent or distributor.  While working through an agent is common practice in Lebanon, networking and lengthy investigations are equally important for finding an appropriate local partner.

The U.S. Commercial Service may assist U.S. companies to find the right partner through the Gold Key Service (GKS) and the International Partner Search (IPS) service.  Information on this service is available on Trade.gov.

The Investment Development Authority of Lebanon (IDAL) is the national authority responsible for promoting investments in Lebanon.  IDAL covers eight priority sectors: agriculture, agro-industry, industry, technology, IT, media, telecommunications, and tourism.  IDAL has the authority to award licenses and permits for new investments in specific sectors.  IDAL’s website is a one-stop-shop for investors and provides information on investment legislations, regulations, and starting a business.