Lebanon Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in lebanon, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Import Requirements and Documentation
Last published date:

Import processing requires the following documents:

  • Declaration form based on the Single Administrative Document (SAD)
  • Bill of lading
  • Packing list
  • Commercial invoice (original)
  • Delivery order (to prove ownership of goods)
  • Quietus (a statement that all dues are paid) from the Social Security Office (must not have expired at the day of registration of SAD), required only for commercial and trade establishments
  • Proof of payment showing the exact value of the shipment
  • Contract of sale between importer and seller in the country of exportation
  • Certificate of origin issued by the authorized party of the country of exportation if the invoice does not mention the origin of the goods
  • Depending on the type of imported good, several other documents may also be required, including import licenses, certificates of conformity to mandatory standards, or phyto-sanitary certificates

Export processing requires the following documents:

  • Declaration form based on the Single Administrative Document (SAD)
  • Packing list
  • Commercial invoice (original)
  • Export order
  • Quietus (a statement that all dues are paid) from the Social Security Office (must not have expired at the day of registration of SAD), required only for commercial and trade establishments
  • Certificate of origin issued by the Ministry of Industry and certified by the Lebanese Customs Authorities for exporting goods to Europe in accordance with protocol number 4 with the EU

Depending on the type of exported good, several other documents may also be required including export licenses, certificates of conformity, and export certificates for quality verification for all food products of plant origin, and agricultural health certificates.